This week guest has a coaching business, a communications facilitator and leadership mentor

Leaving school with no qualifications – a result of severe dyslexia & bullying – he very quickly excelled his way in adult life and a career by cultivating the art of listening, watching & reading human behaviour to figure out what makes people tick.

Being one of the first leading drag artists & only male cosmetic salesperson in Northern Ireland – during the time before the ceasefire – was quite a challenge, yet this did not stop him breaking down barriers and bringing communities of people together. 

Marcus Hunter Neill knows how to identify a weakness or quirky characteristic and turn it into a strength and his knowledge helps others, to help, inspire & drive themselves forward in their own careers. If anyone knows how to conquer a blockage of self-belief or esteem, it’s Marcus.

As well as running a successful business Marcus has worked with BBC, Ch4, ITV, UTV, This Morning, while continuing his successful drag career globally, He also has his own production company, and is currently working on his first novel, again another challenge with dyslexia!

Find Marcus Hunter Neil here