Grit. The opposite of quit.

The ability to overcome obstacles small and large and persevere. To press on, grind and Get Stuff Done (GSD)!

This one 4 letter word has been a prevalent fixture at Critical Bench, the internet’s #1 strength and health authority since 1999. In this very special 100th episode of Strong By Design, Founder Mike Westerdal sits down with long time friend and SBD host Chris Wilson to discuss how Critical Bench came to be over 20 years ago.

Mike goes into great detail about the last few decades touching on the importance of hard work, showing up, your environment and giving back. Mike breaks down 3 pivotal moments in his life and leaves the audience with some powerful advice for all business leaders and entrepreneurs to be successful.


"I just did the important things and I stopped all the busy work... being 'busy' is not being productive." -Mike Westerdal


Time Stamps

0:25 – Get to know Critical Bench’s founder, Mike Westerdal

2:00 –Mike recounts life before Critical Bench

6:15 – Mike reveals meaning behind company’s name and how it all started

11:53 – How he managed a day job and business at the same time

19:17 – Importance of taking massive action and surrounding yourself with the right people

29:00 – Why asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness

35:55 – The value of investing in yourself

38:25 – What is Servant Leadership?

41:10 – The difference between being busy and being productive

44:53 – Finding freedom through structure

48:00 – What it means to surrender everything to God

53:34 – The power of prayer

54:52 – Mike gives powerful tips to first-time business owners

1:03:56 – The power of passion and perseverance

1:12:59 – Critical Bench’s website and social media channels 




Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success


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