DEMO (Flash video-player: "STRINGS '07", Fri talks)

Click on "GUIDE".."EPISODES" to see list of STRINGS '07/Fri videos

Polchinski, Silverstein, Kallosh, Sugimoto, Berkovitz, Bern, Russo, Quevedo, Randall, Gross

The daily "STRINGS '07" talks can be *distributed* to any website, via a compact Flash video player. I.e., "TV channel syndication" over other (related) physics websites during the conference. Increased exposure/reach for STRINGS '07.

Enhancement of the current video Content/Distribution model (single distribution point at STRINGS '07 website, downloadable video). iPod/iTunes is an additional distribution point, with unlimited potential:

1) iPods (mass-market media-player, 100 million & counting)
Science research-tool & public-outreach. Carrying "science videos in your pocket" has a viral-marketing effect.

2) AppleTV (living room set-top-box)
watching Science videos from comfort of your living room, Science research-tool or public-outreach

3) iPhone (debut on June 29, cellphone demographic is >> media-player demographic)
same as iPod, but possibly even greater reach/effect

Duke & Stanford are "on the curve", & already using 1) for teaching.

See sidebar [ "STRINGS "07" TV show player ] on right.