
D. Gross/KITP/UCSB Perspectives [ Fri ]

September 27, 2009 12:12

D. Gross/KITP/UCSB Perspectives [ Fri ] Click to play Flash 8 player:

L. Randall/Harvard Black Holes & Quantum Gravity at the LHC [ Fri ]

September 27, 2009 12:01

L. Randall/Harvard Black Holes & Quantum Gravity at the LHC [ Fri ] Click to play iFrame/Flash player:

DEMO: distribution TV channel for "Strings '07" Fri talks

June 30, 2007 17:24

DEMO (Flash video-player: "STRINGS '07", Fri talks) Click on "GUIDE".."EPISODES" to see list of STRINGS '07/Fri videos Polchinski, Silverstein, Kallosh, Sugimoto, Berkovitz, Bern, Russo, Quevedo, Randall, Gross The daily "STRINGS '07" talks can be *distributed* to any website, via a compact Flash video player. I.e., "TV channel syndication" over other (related) physics websites during the conference. Increased exposure/reach for STRINGS '07. Enhancement of the current video Content/Dis...

DEMO: distribution TV channel for "Strings '07" Thu talks

June 30, 2007 13:57

DEMO (Flash video-player: "STRINGS '07", Thu talks) Click on "GUIDE".."EPISODES" to see list of STRINGS '07/Thu videos Wiedeman, Mateos, Vafa, Moore, Klemm, Zwiebach, Papdopoulos, Seiberg, Kovtun, Rey See above (1st post) for explanation/analysis

DEMO: distribution TV channel for "Strings '07" Wed talks

June 30, 2007 11:33

DEMO (Flash video-player: "STRINGS '07", Wed talks) Click on "GUIDE".."EPISODES" to see list of STRINGS '07/Wed videos Linde, Bousso, Verde, Strominger, De Boer See above (1st post) for explanation/analysis

DEMO: distribution TV channel for "Strings '07"

June 30, 2007 11:33

DEMO (Flash video-player: "STRINGS '07", Wed talks) Click on "GUIDE".."EPISODES" to see list of STRINGS '07/Wed videos Linde, Bousso, Verde, Strominger, De Boer See above (1st post) for explanation/analysis

DEMO: distribution TV channel for "Strings '07" Tue talks

June 30, 2007 11:03

DEMO (Flash video-player: "STRINGS '07", Tue talks) Click on "GUIDE".."EPISODES" to see list of STRINGS '07/Tue videos Witten, Becker, Douglas, kachru, Zarembo, Beisert, Riccioni, Ooguri, Emparan See above (1st post) for explanation/analysis

DEMO: distribution TV channel for "Strings '07" Tue talksnullnullnullnullnullnullnull

June 30, 2007 11:03

DEMO (Flash video-player: "STRINGS '07", Tue talks) Click on "GUIDE".."EPISODES" to see list of STRINGS '07/Tue videos Witten, Becker, Douglas, kachru, Zarembo, Beisert, Riccioni, Ooguri, Emparan See above (1st post) for explanation/analysis

DEMO: distribution TV channel for "Strings '07" Mon talks

June 30, 2007 10:37

DEMO (Flash video-player: STRINGS '07, Mon talks) Click on "GUIDE".."EPISODES" to see list of STRINGS '07/Mon videos Rolandi, Maldacena, Petrini, Trigiante, Sen, Trivedi, Uranga, Blumenhagen, Schellekens See above (1st post) for explanation/analysis

R. Emparan (U.A. Barcelona) Phases of higher-dimensional black holes [ Tue 5:00 pm ]

June 27, 2007 00:00

R. Emparan (U.A. Barcelona) Phases of higher-dimensional black holes [ Tue 5:00 pm ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

H. Ooguri (Caltech) On the ubiquity of meta-stable vacua [ Tue 4:30 pm ]

June 26, 2007 23:30

H. Ooguri (Caltech) On the ubiquity of meta-stable vacua [ Tue 4:30 pm ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

F. Riccioni (King's College) E11 and M-theory [ Tue 3:30 pm ]

June 26, 2007 22:30

F. Riccioni (King's College) E11 and M-theory [ Tue 3:30 pm ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

N. Beisert (MPI, Potsdam) Strong/Weak Interpolation in the Spectrum of AdS/CFT [ Tue 3:00 pm ]

June 26, 2007 22:00

N. Beisert (MPI, Potsdam) Strong/Weak Interpolation in the Spectrum of AdS/CFT [ Tue 3:00 pm ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

K. Zarembo (Uppsala) Worldsheet scattering in AdS(5)xS(5) [ Tue 12:00 pm ]

June 26, 2007 19:00

K. Zarembo (Uppsala) Worldsheet scattering in AdS(5)xS(5) [ Tue 12:00 pm ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

S. Kachru (Stanford) Comments on Anti-branes [ Tue 11:30 am ]

June 26, 2007 18:30

S. Kachru (Stanford) Comments on Anti-branes [ Tue 11:30 am ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

M. Douglas (Rutgers & IHES) Exploring the Kähler potential [ Tue 11:00 am ]

June 26, 2007 18:00

M. Douglas (Rutgers & IHES) Exploring the Kähler potential [ Tue 11:00 am ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

M. Becker (Texas A&M) Runaway in the Landscape [ Tue 10:00am ]

June 26, 2007 17:00

M. Becker (Texas A&M) Runaway in the Landscape [ Tue 10:00am ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version: Watch the Video

Ed Witten (IAS/Princeton), 3-D Gravity Revisited [ Tue 9:30am ]

June 26, 2007 16:30

Ed Witten (IAS/Princeton), 3-D Gravity Revisited [ Tue 9:30am ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

A. Sen [Harish-Chandra Res.Inst.] Marginal Stability and N=4 Dyon Spectrum [Mon 3:00 pm ]

June 25, 2007 22:00

A. Sen [Harish-Chandra Res.Inst.] Marginal Stability and N=4 Dyon Spectrum [Mon 3:00 pm ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

M. Trigiante [Politecnico, Torino] Mirror-covariant formulation of N=2 supergravity from generalized Calabi-Yau compactifications [ Mon 12:00 pm ]

June 25, 2007 19:00

M. Trigiante [Politecnico, Torino] Mirror-covariant formulation of N=2 supergravity from generalized Calabi-Yau compactifications [ Mon 12:00 pm ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

M. Petrini (LPTHE) Generalised N=1 vacua: geometry and non-geometry [ Mon 11:30 am ]

June 25, 2007 18:30

M. Petrini (LPTHE) Generalised N=1 vacua: geometry and non-geometry [ Mon 11:30 am ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version:

J. Maldacena (IAS/Princeton) Super Yang Mills scattering amplitudes at strong coupling [ Mon 11:00 am ]

June 25, 2007 18:00

J. Maldacena (IAS/Princeton) Super Yang Mills scattering amplitudes at strong coupling [ Mon 11:00 am ] Click To Play [ NOTE: quickstart=off, please wait for entire file (~40mb) to load, before it plays ] Slides Flash 8 version: