What does a ride-hailing app that offers micromobility and food delivery services have to do with data in motion? In this episode, Ruslan Gibaiev (Data Architect, Bolt) shares about Bolt’s road to adopting Apache Kafka® and ksqlDB for stream processing to replicate data from transactional databases to analytical warehouses. 

Rome wasn't built overnight, nor was the adoption of Kafka and ksqlDB at Bolt. Initially, Bolt noticed the need for system standardization and replacing the unreliable query-based change data capture (CDC) process. As an experienced Kafka developer, Ruslan believed that Kafka is the solution for adopting change data capture as a company-wide event streaming solution. Persuading the team at Bolt to adopt and buy in was hard at first, but Ruslan made it possible. Eventually, the team replaced query-based CDC with log-based CDC from Debezium, built on top of Kafka. Shortly after the implementation, developers at Bolt began to see precise, correct, and real-time data. 

As Bolt continues to grow, they see the need to implement a data lake or a data warehouse for OTP system data replication and stream processing. After carefully considering several different solutions and frameworks such as ksqlDB, Apache Flink®, Apache Spark™, and Kafka Streams, ksqlDB shines most for their business requirement. 

Bolt adopted ksqlDB because it is native to the Kafka ecosystem, and it is a perfect fit for their use case. They found ksqlDB to be a particularly good fit for replicating all their data to a data warehouse for a number of reasons, including: 

Easy to deploy and manageLinearly scalableNatively integrates with Confluent Schema Registry 

Turn in to find out more about Bolt’s adoption journey with Kafka and ksqlDB. 


Inside ksqlDB Course ksqlDB 101 CourseHow Bolt Has Adopted Change Data Capture with Confluent PlatformAnalysing Changes with Debezium and Kafka StreamsNo More Silos: How to Integrate Your Databases with Apache Kafka and CDCChange Data Capture with Debezium ft. Gunnar MorlingAnnouncing ksqlDB 0.17.0Real-Time Data Replication with ksqlDBWatch the video version of this podcastJoin the Confluent CommunityLearn more with Kafka tutorials, resources, and guides at Confluent DeveloperLive demo: Kafka streaming in 10 minutes on Confluent CloudUse PODCAST100 to get an additional $100 of free Confluent Cloud usage (details)