Neil Buesing, an Apache Kafka® community stalwart at Object Partners, spends his days building things out of Kafka and helping others do the same. Today, he discusses the concept of a CoE (center of excellence), and how a CoE is integral to attain and sustain world-class performance, business value, and success in a business. Neil talks us through how to make a CoE successful, the importance of event streaming, how to better understand streaming technologies, and how to best utilize CoE for your needs. This includes evangelizing Kafka, building a Proof of Value (PoV) with team members, defining deliverables as part of that CoE, and understanding how to implement Kafka into your organization. 


EoS in Kafka: Listen up, I will only say this once! by Jason Gustafson The Magical Rebalance Protocol of Apache Kafka by Gwen Shapira Chair-throwing meme that was discussed at end of episode Apache Kafka and Confluent Platform Reference ArchitectureBenchmark Your Dedicated Apache Kafka Cluster on Confluent CloudOptimizing Your Apache Kafka DeploymentCluster sizingJoin the Confluent Community SlackLearn more with Kafka tutorials, resources, and guides at Confluent DeveloperLive demo: Kafka streaming in 10 minutes on Confluent CloudUse 60PDCAST to get an additional $60 of free Confluent Cloud usage (details)

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