Are Youtubers good live streamers? While your gut reaction might be yes, It turns out that oftentimes when Youtubers go on live streaming platforms, they just don't perform as well as pure, homegrown live streaming talent. So why is that? And why would Youtubers be interested in live streaming in the first place? To answer those questions and many more, I invited Keven Gungor, program manager at The Meet Group to join me for this week’s episode. As a program manager Keven is essentially a talent manager working with our top live streaming talent on a daily basis. Prior to joining The Meet Group, Keven worked for another large live streaming platform where he often dealt with talent recruited from Youtube, so he has a first hand perspective on the topic we're discussing today.

We cover:
- How creating content for Youtube is different than live streaming and the different skill sets they require
- Examples of mistakes the Youtubers frequently make when they try to live stream
- Why Youtubers should consider live streaming and tips for those who want to start

If you have any questions for Keven, feel free to reach out to him on Instagram @villagekev