Streamer Series interview with Captain Catch, a top streamer on the social networking platform Skout, who also happens to live and work in Japan. Captain Catch, who’s real name is Chris, shares why he ended up in Japan, how he incorporates his life in Japan into his live streams, and the ways that streaming has positively impacted his career as an actor and teacher.

We also discuss what makes a good live stream and he shares his tips for becoming a better streamer. Listeners will be able to tell how much Chris cares about his fans. He shares how they have been a support system for him as he navigates the ups and downs of life and how he was nervous to meet some of his fans in real life because he was afraid he wouldn’t live up to their expectations of him. He also shares that he’s constantly trying to come up with new streaming content because his goal is always to keep things fresh and exciting for his fans.

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