What is the appeal of fail fast fail often? Why do people have that as a mantra? Stephen M.R. Covey writes in the Speed of Trust, "if you're not willing to make mistakes, you're not going to improve. Often people aren't willing to make mistakes because they're either afraid to fail or they're focused on looking good, but smart people and smart companies realize that making mistakes is part of life. They see mistakes as feedback that will help them improve and they become expert in learning how to learn from mistakes."

Are you being asked to embrace mistakes? If so, that's false. If you embrace mistakes, you're doing yourself a huge disservice.

Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

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