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Strait Talk

754 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 2 ratings

From the border city of Hatay, Strait Talk brings special coverage of Turkey's anticipated military intervention in Syria's Idlib province.

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Will Syria’s Rejoining of Interpol Be a Risk to Dissidents?

November 05, 2021 17:08 - 13 minutes Video

The global policing agency Interpol has added Syria back into its information exchange network after lifting sanctions that were introduced in 2012. The development has come at an important time for Bashar al Assad who's beginning to regain international recognition. But Syria's re-admittance to Interpol is raising concerns whether Assad can be trusted to not go after the critics of his regime. Guests: Samuel Ramani Associate Fellow at RUSI Fadel Abdul Ghany Founder of the Syrian Network f...

South Asia’s Troubling Human Rights Situation

November 05, 2021 17:05 - 11 minutes Video

In this one on one with Shireen Mazari, Human Rights Minister of Pakistan, we discuss the plight of young women and girls in Afghanistan, the continued military crackdown by India in Kashmir, and the rise of xenophobia across Europe.

Reintegrating Syria Into the Arab Fold

November 05, 2021 16:04 - 2 minutes Video

After 10 years of a brutal military campaign against his own people, Syria's Bashar al Assad is being slowly welcomed back into the Arab world. Several Arab states are hoping to normalise ties with his regime. What could it mean for Syria and the region? Ludovica Brignola reports.

Can Turkey and the US Resolve Their Long-running Disputes?

November 02, 2021 15:22 - 26 minutes Video

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his US counterpart Joe Biden had a positive meeting during the G20 summit in Rome. Having narrowly averted a diplomatic crisis involving 10 ambassadors stationed in Turkey just a few weeks ago, both presidents said they wanted to forge more constructive ties. High on the agenda was resolving Turkey’s removal from the F-35 fighter jet programme. But will Biden be able to convince Congress to get on his side when it comes to resolving the dispute with...

Where's Iraq Headed Post-election?

October 29, 2021 15:27 - 14 minutes Video

Iraq held its parliamentary elections earlier this month which saw record low turnout. The biggest beneficiary following the polls turned out to be the firebrand nationalist and anti-Iranian cleric Muqtada al Sadr. Now that the stage is set for Iraqi to form a coalition government, will it be able to win support from the millions of Iraqis who chose not to take part in the polls? Guests: Ahmed Rushdi President of the House of Iraqi Expertise Foundation Ahmet Keser Associate Professor at Ha...

Azerbaijan's New Airport to be Karabakh’s Gateway to the World

October 29, 2021 15:19 - 10 minutes Video

Azerbaijan has built a new international airport in Fuzuli - a city it reclaimed from Armenian occupation after the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War. The airport, inaugurated by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev, will act as an important transit point in a region that has long been marred by conflict. So, what impact will the new airport have on the region? Guests: Fariz Ismailzade Vice Rector at ADA University Richard Giragosian Director of the R...

Turkey to Enhance Its Business Relationship With African Countries

October 26, 2021 17:12 - 14 minutes Video

Turkey is looking to double its 25 billion dollar bilateral trade within Africa in the next five years. The Africa-Turkey Economic Forum, which was just held in Istanbul, is expected to help reach that goal. Guests: Federico Donelli Researcher at University of Genoa Otunba Dele Oye President of Nigerian-Turkish Business Council

US and Several Western Countries Agree to Abide By Vienna Convention

October 26, 2021 16:38 - 10 minutes Video

Tensions between Turkey and many of its NATO allies ensued after ambassadors from 10 countries called for the release of Osman Kavala who has been jailed for his alleged role in the 2013 Gezi protests and the 2016 failed coup. Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ordered the ambassadors to be expelled for interfering in the country’s internal affairs in violation of article 41 of the Vienna Convention. The embassies involved have since reiterated their commitment to the protocol. Although ...

Turkey Eyes $50B in Trade Deals With Africa in Next Five Years

October 26, 2021 15:37 - 3 minutes Video

Turkey is hoping to add to the 25 billion dollar trade relationship it holds with the African continent. The goal is to reach as much as 50 billion dollars in the next five years.

Turkey to Increase Its Footprint in West Africa Through Trade Deals

October 22, 2021 15:40 - 13 minutes Video

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has recently concluded his four-day visit to three West African countries: Angola, Togo and Nigeria. Turkey aims to play a contributing role in the economic and social development of the region and continent. And President Erdogan's signing of a series of deals in the areas of trade, energy and defence is a sign of Turkey looking to build stronger bilateral relations in the region. Guests: Emel Eyrice Author and Political Analyst Ovigwe Eguegu Africa...

Why Is Turkey Expanding Its Reach in Africa?

October 22, 2021 15:39 - 3 minutes Video

Turkish President Erdogan has concluded his three-country tour to West Africa. His visit focused on co-operation in the areas of trade, energy and defence, but also gave an indication of where one aspect of Turkey's foreign policy is heading. TRT World's diplomatic correspondent Andrew Hopkins reports.

Can Turkey’s Purchase of F-16 Jets Help Ease Tensions With the US?

October 22, 2021 15:37 - 11 minutes Video

Relations between the United States and Turkey have been fraught for years. Things worsened back in 2019 when the US removed Turkey from its F-35 fighter jets programme in response to Ankara's purchase of the Russian-made S-400 missile defence system. Recently, there have been signs that both the US and Turkey are engaged in active consultation to resolve the dispute. One possibility could be Turkey purchasing F-16s in return for the investment it made into the F-35s. So, can the two NATO all...

Europe-based Companies Eye Turkey as Their Next Production Hub

October 19, 2021 16:22 - 2 minutes Video

In an effort to shorten their supply chain routes, more and more Europe-based companies are eyeing Turkey as their next production hub. But there will be challenges for them as they seek to outsource their productions to Turkey, such as a volatile lira. Strait Talk's Ludovica Brignola reports.

Can Turkey Fill Global Supply Chain Gaps Left by China?

October 19, 2021 16:21 - 12 minutes Video

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of global supply chains. With major exporters, such as China and other Asian countries, losing business due to rising shipping costs and lockdowns, many companies are starting to look for producers closer to home. So, can Turkey's manufacturers step in and fill this void? Guests: Ozan Ozkural CEO of Tanto Capital Partners Guido Cozzi Professor at the University of St Gallen

Will the Taliban's Charm Offensive For Global Recognition Work?

October 19, 2021 16:17 - 12 minutes Video

A Taliban delegation has met Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in Ankara. The Taliban's acting foreign minister says Turkey has an active role to play in the war-stricken country. But the Turkish foreign minister reiterated the world community's expectations, urging the Taliban to be more inclusive, especially in areas of women and minority rights. But the situation in Afghanistan remains tense after a series of terror attacks by Daesh-K. So, will the group be able to stablise the co...

UN Ends Its War Crimes Probe In Yemen

October 15, 2021 15:53 - 12 minutes Video

The UN Human Rights Council has voted to end the mandate of experts investigating war crimes in Yemen. Trapped in the world's worst humanitarian crisis, seven years of war has killed more than 100,000 people, and left nearly four million displaced. Now that the UN has voted to shut down a war crimes probe, fears are growing that it could embolden different warring groups in Yemen. Guests: Jahaan Pittalwala Research Analyst Raiman Al-Hamdani Researcher at ARK Group

Is Macron's Approach to North Africa Backfiring?

October 15, 2021 15:51 - 12 minutes Video

Tensions between France and Algeria are escalating, after recent comments by French President Macron on France's colonial past. Algeria reacted by recalling its ambassador to Paris. The diplomatic row between the two countries is surfacing at a sensitive time for Macron as France's standing in northern Africa continues to erode. So, how will this diplomatic row between Algeria and France affect the region? Guests: Uluc Ozulker Former Turkish Ambassador to France Nabila Ramdani Journalist

Turkey and Russia Consider Increasing Nuclear Co-operation

October 12, 2021 15:49 - 12 minutes Video

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has proposed that Russia can build two nuclear power plants in addition to the one it is already building near Turkey's southern coast. The discussion occurred during Erdogan and Putin’s meeting in Sochi last month. A relative new comer to the nuclear energy game, Turkey has ambitious plans to diversify its sources of electricity and to reduce its emissions. Guests Ivan Starodubtsev Political Analyst Gloria Shkurti Ozdemir Researcher at SETA

Long-running Tensions Mount Between Iran, Azerbaijan

October 12, 2021 15:39 - 12 minutes Video

Tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan have risen after Iranian ground forces took part in military drills close to Azerbaijan’s border earlier this month. Much of the trouble between the two countries is rooted in last year’s Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which resulted in Azerbaijan gaining new access to areas close to Iran. Iran has since claimed that Azerbaijan is stationing Israeli troops near its border. Adding to the tension is Azerbaijan’s newly imposed customs taxes on Iranian trucks. Wil...

Turkey, Russia Nuclear Co-operation Under Construction

October 12, 2021 15:31 - 2 minutes Video

Turkey has plans to increase nuclear co-operation with Russia in order to diversify energy sources and reduce emissions. There is already one Russian nuclear power plant under construction near Turkey’s southern coast and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has discussed the possibility for two more. Ludovica Brignola reports.

How Will the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Affect Europe’s Energy Politics?

October 08, 2021 15:49 - 12 minutes Video

The $11 billion Nord Stream 2 pipeline that will transport natural gas between Russia and Europe has been completed. While it will bring necessary relief to Europe's rising energy demands, the United States doesn't seem to be entirely on board. The US is opposed to Europe relying more on Russia for energy needs, while Ukraine is warning of the potential weaponisation of the pipeline by Moscow. Is Russia gaining too much influence in Europe? Guests: Thomas O'Donnell Lecturer at Hertie Schoo...

Can the Nord Stream 2 Give Russia Leverage Over Europe?

October 08, 2021 15:47 - 1 minute Video

Skyrocketing energy prices in Europe have provided Russia with an opportunity to step in. The Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline project is expected to bring some relief to the continent's energy demands, but there are fears the project could give Moscow too much leverage over Europe. Strait Talk's Ludovica Brignola reports.

YPG Terror Group in Syria Gets New US Armoured Vehicles

October 08, 2021 15:43 - 12 minutes Video

Continued US support to the YPG terror group in Syria is further alienating its old NATO ally Turkey. Recent photos showed the YPG with Bradley armored vehicles, the same type US troops have been using across Syria. Turkey has long called for the US to end its military support for the group, which began back in 2015 to fight Daesh. Last month, the US House also passed its defence budget which will provide even more aid. Are tensions between Ankara and Washington set to worsen? Guests: Hel...

Turkey Says Greece-France Defence Deal to Harm NATO Alliance

October 05, 2021 15:31 - 14 minutes Video

Greece has recently inked defence deals with France for the purchase of six Rafale fighter jets and three advanced warships, potentially raising tensions with neighbouring Turkey. The Greek prime minister has said his country has no intention to go into an arms race with its neighbour, but Turkey has voiced concern about the deal saying it threatens to harm the NATO alliance. The two NATO allies are involved in several maritime disputes and talks have been ongoing to reduce tensions. So, what...

Turkey Set to Ratify the Paris Agreement in November

October 05, 2021 15:27 - 9 minutes Video

Turkey is set to ratify the Paris Agreement next month as a part of the country's push to invest more in green technology. The Paris Agreement came into effect five years ago when the world got together to limit the temperature increase of the planet. The agreement's main goals were to limit the earth's temperature to counter the effects of climate change and to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by the middle of this century. So what will be next for Turkey after ratifying the Paris Agreement...

Libya's Political Crisis Worsens After No-confidence Vote

October 01, 2021 16:20 - 12 minutes Video

A no-confidence vote against Libya's interim government is a new blow to the UN-backed peace efforts in the country. The situation has taken a complex turn since last year's ceasefire agreement and the forming of a transitional government to prepare for elections. But now with protests in Tripoli, it remains unclear whether Libya would be able to stick to its deadline of holding elections later this year. Moreover, the US House of Representatives recently passed a bill that could enable sanct...

Can Turkish-Russian Co-operation Ensure Peace in Syria?

October 01, 2021 15:36 - 12 minutes Video

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Sochi. The situation in Syria was high on agenda, where Turkey and Russia stand at the opposite sides of the ongoing war. As a new wave of violence has engulfed the Idlib province – the last remaining opposition stronghold – Turkey is pressing for a return to ceasefire agreed between Ankara and Moscow last year. How can Turkey and Russia enhance their co-operation to maintain status quo in Idlib? G...

Turkey Showcases Latest Defence, Technology Products

September 28, 2021 15:35 - 11 minutes Video

Turkey put on display its latest military hardware, such as drones and multi-functional helicopters, at the country's biggest tech event, Teknofest 2021. Other than military hardware, inventions ranging from electric vehicles to flying cars and in sectors of biotechnology were at display to give visitors a sneak peek into what the future will hold. Every year, hundreds of thousands of students vie for a spot at Teknofest to showcase their ideas and inventions to the public. Organisers of the ...

Can the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Help Stabilise Afghanistan?

September 28, 2021 15:28 - 13 minutes Video

Since the US and allied forces evacuated from Afghanistan, the country has been left abandoned. The US and its allies failed to bring peace to the war-stricken country, paving the way for other regional actors to step in and fill the vacuum. Could the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, a regional bloc led by China and Russia, help stabilise Afghanistan? Guests: David Arase Resident Professor at Hopkins-Nanjing Centre Murat Aslan Faculty Member at Sabahattin Zaim University

Is Normalisation of Ties Between Turkey and Armenia Possible?

September 24, 2021 16:40 - 11 minutes Video

Turkey and Armenia haven't had any official relations since 1993. But lately, leaders from both the countries are sending positive signals about their willingness to reset ties. The bone of contention between Turkey and Armenia was the Armenian occupation of Azerbaijani territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan once again showed his willingness for talks recently but laid out a few conditions. So, can Turkey and Armenia move forward and develop better relations? G...

How Will the AUKUS Row Impact NATO?

September 24, 2021 16:32 - 13 minutes Video

France's reaction to a new security partnership signed between the US, the UK and Australia was that of anger and frustration. Under the new alliance, called AUKUS, Australia scrapped its earlier submarine deal with Paris in favour of American ones. The French foreign minister said it wasn't just about the lost business, but also about the US's unacceptable behaviour towards an ally. So, what implications will this latest debacle have on NATO? And will this deal result in greater rifts among ...

Will the AUKUS Pact Undermine the Role of NATO?

September 24, 2021 15:32 - 2 minutes Video

The signing of a new security pact between the US, the UK and Australia drew a sharp response from France. France said its ally, the US, had engaged in 'lies' and 'duplicity' as it secretly formed the AUKUS alliance. Some analysts say the alliance seems to undermine the role of NATO and exposes a lack of a unified strategy among its allies to counter China. Could the alliance disturb the security dynamics in Europe? Strait Talk's Ludovica Brignola reports.

Who is Angela Merkel?

September 22, 2021 06:53 - 3 minutes Video

After 16 years in power as the chancellor of Europe’s largest economy, Angela Merkel is set to retire. Her exit from the political arena is sparking fears of rising populism and a far-right drift in European politics. Strait Talk’s Ludovica Brignola reports.

What Will a Post-Merkel Germany Look Like and How Will That Affect Turkey?

September 21, 2021 15:42 - 13 minutes Video

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is set to call it quits after 16 years in power. Over the past decade and a half, Merkel’s leadership helped her become a force not only in Europe, but also on the global stage. During her time in power, Merkel enjoyed a cordial relationship with the Turkish president as well. So, what’s Merkel’s legacy? How will her exit affect European and global politics? And what’s in store for Turkey after her? Guests: Zafer Mese Berlin Co-ordinator at SETA Valeria G...

Turkey Sets Up Platform to Test a Potential Digital Lira

September 21, 2021 15:30 - 10 minutes Video

Turkey’s central bank is teaming up with researchers to study the benefits of a digital currency. It hopes to tap into blockchain technology that powers cryptocurrencies to introduce a safer option – a digital lira. And Turkey isn’t the only country researching digital currencies; the US, China and India are also doing their own research on such platforms. Will paper currencies be eventually replaced by the blockchain? Guests: Taha Arvas Economist Daniele Bianchi Associate Professor at Qu...

Have the IAEA and Iran Managed to Avert a Crisis?

September 17, 2021 16:34 - 2 minutes Video

Iran’s ramping up of uranium enrichment to 60 percent in the aftermath of the assassination of its lead scientist was enough to alarm the West. But the country’s decision to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to resume maintenance work on cameras at its nuclear facilities was seen as a welcome step to move towards restoration of the previously scrapped nuclear deal. So far it seems a potential crisis has been averted. But will it be long-lasting? Strait Talk’s Ludovica Brignola repo...

What’s the Future of the Iran Nuclear Deal?

September 17, 2021 15:45 - 11 minutes Video

Iran has allowed the global nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, to monitor the progress of its nuclear programme. This has renewed some hopes for the revival of the stalled nuclear talks between the West and Iran. But is Iran’s concession to the nuclear watchdog a gesture of goodwill or just posturing ahead of possible talks? And is a nuclear deal with Iran still on the cards? Guests: Murat Aslan Faculty Member at Sabahattin Zaim University Borzou Daragahi Senior Fell...

What Does the Assad-Putin Meeting Mean for Idlib?

September 17, 2021 15:41 - 13 minutes Video

Syria’s Bashar al Assad recently made an unannounced visit to Moscow and met Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two discussed some of the last opposition-held areas in the country. Though much of Syria’s north continues to be out of Assad’s control, it is the last opposition stronghold in Idlib that’s troubling both Assad and Putin. So, are Assad and Putin planning to do something about Idlib? Guests: Bilgehan Ozturk Researcher at the SETA Foundation Alexey Khlebnikov Middle East Expert...

Turkey, Azerbaijan, Pakistan Conduct Joint Military Exercises

September 14, 2021 17:21 - 13 minutes Video

Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Pakistan have come together in Baku for their first-ever joint military drills. The nine-day joint military exercises involving the troops from the three countries will focus on improving co-operation between their militaries and to exchange battlefield experience. These drills are happening in the backdrop of a strategic agreement signed by Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Pakistan to increase political cooperation in different areas. So, what does this new alliance mean for t...

What are the Challenges Ahead for the Taliban Government?

September 14, 2021 17:00 - 11 minutes Video

In some areas, things seem to be returning to normalcy in Afghanistan. Domestic air travel has resumed and as per neighbouring Pakistan’s national carrier, its international flights will resume by next week. A recent visit by Qatar’s foreign minister to meet the Taliban’s acting prime minister is another indication. But on the streets of Kabul, regular reports of protests being crushed by force tell a different story. At a time when the country’s crumbling economy and severe food shortages ar...

Turkish TV Series Take the World by Storm

September 10, 2021 16:27 - 3 minutes Video

Turkish television drama productions have seen increased popularity and demand from across the Middle East and Asia, all the way to South America. After Dirilis: Ertugrul’s tremendous success, Turkey’s top production companies are confident of cashing in on the this rising global demand. Strait Talk’s Ludovica Brignola reports.

Turkish TV Exports Set to Top $1 Billion by 2023

September 10, 2021 16:25 - 11 minutes Video

Turkey’s drama industry is seeing an unprecedented popularity in the international market and its exports are multiplying. From modest TV exports totalling $100,000 in 2008, the industry crossed the $500-million mark in 2020, making Turkey the world’s second-largest exporter of TV content. Only the US has more TV exports than Turkey. With 25 percent share of all the imported shows around the world, Turkish production companies are expecting to top $1 billion in global sales by 2023. Guests: ...

Is It Time for Turkey and Egypt to Restore Ties?

September 10, 2021 16:20 - 13 minutes Video

The relations between Turkey and Egypt have been tense since 2013 when Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was deposed in a military coup. Both the countries haven’t had ambassadors for nearly a decade. But there have been signs of improving relations, including the latest visit of the Egyptian deputy foreign minister to Ankara. But can both the countries put aside their differences and look towards the future? And how will the improved ties benefit both the countries and the region? Guests: A...

Syria: Assad Regime Intensifies Attacks on Daraa

September 07, 2021 18:09 - 14 minutes Video

Bashar al Assad’s regime forces has intensified its offensive on Daraa. The city lies in a strategic region near the Israeli and Jordanian borders and is known as the birthplace of the Syrian revolution. For years, Iranian backed militias allied to Assad have been trying to take the area by force. But a Russian brokered deal back in 2018 has kept the city mostly secure. However, the city saw a violent turn this summer and thousands of civilians are now trying to find a safe way out. Why is D...

Turkey Offers to Mediate Ethiopia-Sudan Dispute

September 07, 2021 17:21 - 10 minutes Video

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has offered to mediate the border dispute between Ethiopia and Sudan. This, as well intent of more investment, came during Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s recent trip to Ankara. President Erdogan also called for peaceful solution to the conflict between the Tigray ethnic group and the Ethiopian government. Turkey is already the second largest foreign investor in Ethiopia, just behind China. So how can Turkey's role as a major trade partner and po...

Are Turkey and the UAE Putting Years of Tensions Behind Them?

September 03, 2021 16:35 - 11 minutes Video

Relations between Turkey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) haven't been warm of late. But a recent phone call between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the UAE's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, is hinting towards improving relations. We look at what this possible diplomatic breakthrough could mean for the region and also for trade between Turkey and the UAE. Guests: Giorgio Cafiero CEO of Gulf State Analytics Vehbi Baysan Political Analyst

Turkey in Talks With Taliban to Help Run Kabul Airport

September 03, 2021 16:33 - 13 minutes Video

The Americans no longer have any presence in Afghanistan, leaving the Taliban firmly in control. But questions are growing over the Taliban's ability to govern the country, and operate Kabul airport. While a Qatari technical team is in Kabul to discuss how to get the operations back on track, Turkey is also in talks with Taliban leaders about possibly helping run the airport. Guests: Talha Kose SETA Brussels Coordinator Imtiaz Gul Political Analyst

How Will the Hasty US Exit From Afghanistan Affect the Region?

August 27, 2021 15:11 - 26 minutes Video

The United States is facing criticism for its chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Analysts warn its hasty exit could pave the way for other regional powers, like China and Russia, to fill the power vacuum left behind. We discuss how the US exit from Afghanistan could affect Central Asia and the wider region as a whole. Guests: Raffaello Pantucci Senior Associate Fellow at Royal United Services Institute Theresa Fallon Director at Centre for Russia Europe Asia Studies

Could China and Russia Gain From the US Withdrawal From Afghanistan?

August 27, 2021 15:07 - 2 minutes Video

The sudden takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban has opened a new race for influence across Central Asia. As the US withdraws, could two of America’s adversaries – China and Russia – look to fill the power vacuum left behind? Strait Talk’s Ludovica Brignola reports.

Turkey Shows Off Its Military Muscle at Istanbul Arms Expo

August 24, 2021 18:00 - 12 minutes Video

Turkey recently unveiled its latest military hardware at an international arms fair in Istanbul. Showcasing its drones, radars, and helicopters, Turkey’s defence companies are hoping to become major players in the global arms industry. Already the 13th largest defence exporter, and 4th biggest drone producer, Turkey also has big ambitions to become a self-sufficient military force. We look at the steps it is taking. Guests: Serdar Demir Vice President of Turkish Aerospace Industries Elis...