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Straight White American Jesus

717 episodes - English - Latest episode: 12 days ago - ★★★★★ - 1.6K ratings

An in-depth examination of the culture and politics of Christian Nationalism and Evangelicalism by two ex-evangelical ministers-turned-religion professors. If you have ever wondered what social and historical forces led white evangelicals to usher Donald Trump into the White House this is the show for you. As former insiders and critical scholars of religion, Dan Miller and Bradley Onishi have a unique perspective on the Religious Right. Guests have included Chrissy Stroop, R. Marie Griffith, Janelle Wong, Randall Balmer, Katherine Stewart, and many others.

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Weekly Roundup: On the Road to Minority Rule

June 11, 2021 21:00 - 10 minutes

Brad and Dan begin with insight from Prof. Jason Stanley: “History shows that propaganda can make a dominant group mad with panic and fear about the threat of a small minority subjugating them, supposedly by seizing the institutions and doing things to their children.” They use this idea to explore the myths that are inciting panic and fear in White Americans, including White Christian nationalists, across the nation: the Big Lie, the propaganda against Critical Race Theory, the GOP's Myth of...

Patriarchy, Critical Race Theory, and Christian Nationalism

June 09, 2021 23:00 - 10 minutes

Brad speaks with Jonathan Krohn ahead of the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting. Jonathan is an investigative journalist and essayist whose work has appeared at Mother Jones, the Washington Post, and many other outlets. He also grew up in the SBC and was once considered a teenager star in the denomination. He will be covering the annual meeting for the New Republic. He and Brad discuss what he expects will happen at the convention. It appears that the USA's largest Protestant denomi...

Radicalized at Home

June 07, 2021 22:00 - 12 minutes

Brad speak with R.L. Stollar, a writer and advocate for homeschooled children. As someone homescholed from Kindergarten to high school graduation, Stollar knows firsthand how homeschool parents are radicalized into extremist Christian nationalist ideologies. He discusses why homeschool spaces open the doors for authoritarian personalities and abusive figures to operate without oversight. He also explains how White Christian nationalists are working to export these programs all over the globe....

Weekly Roundup: A New Jim Crow or Reconstruction 3.0?

June 04, 2021 21:00 - 12 minutes

Brad makes a big announcement regarding the show and a new direction in his professional life . . . with Dan on vacation he then discusses the long list of cases wherein Trump and Trump allies signal their desire to overthrow the democratic process in order to stage a coup. From General Flynn welcoming a Myanmar-style coup to Paul Gosar conspiring with the Proud Boys to Louie Gohmert speaking at a QAnon conference to an Oregon Rep letting militia in the side door to attack the state legislatu...

Comparing the 1/6 Coup to George Floyd Protests

June 02, 2021 22:30 - 9 minutes

Brad is joined on a special Wednesday episode by co-host Dan Miller to discuss a question that many will be hearing at BBQs and on social media: Why is the 1/6 insurrection bad but you have nothing to say about the BLM protests? Those protests led to property damage and violence. Aren't 1/6 and the BLM events the same? Dan draws on his expertise in populism and material from his new book, Queer Democracy, to explain why the very premise of the comparison is bad, how these movements represent...

Unmaking Biblical Womanhood

May 31, 2021 08:00 - 10 minutes

Brad speaks with Dr. Jill Hicks Keeton about her critical review of Beth Allison Barr's popular new book "The Making of Biblical Womanhood." Here is an excerpt of the article: "Barr is certainly right that patriarchy is socially constructed and not a given or natural framework for organizing society. But one of the tasks of the historian, I think, is to make visible the work that has gone into making the contingent seem natural. Yet when it comes to the sacred anchor of Barr’s evangelical tra...

Weekly Roundup: Why Are We Not Allowed to Remember?

May 28, 2021 19:20 - 9 minutes

Brad and Dan begin this Memorial Day episode by discussing the theme of memory and erasure. They point out that there are some things we can't stop remembering--that's how trauma works. The replay of certain events plays on repeat even when we want it to stop. Other things are put under the banner of erasure--from the Tulsa Massacre 100 years ago to the Insurrection of 1/6 a few months ago. They then tie this to the concerted efforts to block a 1/6 Commission by GOP leaders and what this mean...

Christian Nationalist Nostalgia, Violence, and Resistance to Change (Re-release)

May 26, 2021 15:40 - 7 minutes

In a re-release from 2019, Dan and Brad discuss how evangelicalism is a fundamentalist worldview. They draw on scholarship on global fundamentalisms in order to explain why evangelicals are so prone to nostalgia and so resistant to societal and political change. They also illuminate why fundamentalists are willing to use symbolic and physical violence to advance their cause. This episode is especially pertinent given the ongoing vitality of the Big Lie and Evangelical reluctance to take the C...

The Bad Faith War on Critical Race Theory

May 24, 2021 13:30 - 9 minutes

Brad speaks with Dr. Charles McKinney, a historian of the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Church in the South. Dr. McKinney puts the conservative war on Critical Race Theory in historical perspective, explaining how it works as a deflective strategy to demonize racial justice phenomena without directly demonizing Black people and other people of color. They finish by analyzing how White Christians have framed Rafael Warnock as neither a real Christian, nor a real American--the same tact u...

Weekly Roundup: Don't Believe Your Eyes

May 21, 2021 22:30 - 8 minutes

Brad and Dan discuss the GOP's opposition to 1/6 commission and how the GOP is doing myth making in real time to change the perception and memory of the Insurrection. They then discuss SCOTUS' decision to hear a case about abortion that could lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The episode wraps with a discussion of the Ur-Christian Nationalist, Billy Graham, and the new PBS doc about his life; as well as a brief back and forth on Biden's decision to approve a sale of arms to Israel. Subs...

Re-Release: A Historical View of Evangelical Views on Abortion

May 19, 2021 12:00 - 8 minutes

In light of the Supreme Court agreeing to hear a case that could lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we are re-releasing Dan's interview with Professor R. Marie Griffith, author of Moral Combat: How Sex Divided American Christians and Fractured American Politics. Professor Griffith explains that evangelicals were once moderate on the whole on the issue of abortion. In the 60s, 90% of Texas Baptists approved of abortion in some form. But, then politics changed . . . Dan and Prof. Griffith ...

The Eugenicist Origins of Evangelical Family Values

May 17, 2021 12:00 - 9 minutes

Dr. Audrey Clare Farley stops by to discuss her article, "The Eugenics Roots of Evangelical Family Values," which outlines how the family values discourse so prevalent in Evangelical culture has its origins in eugenics. Eugenics was a junk-science movement started in the early 20th century that tried to show the genealogical and biological superiority of Whites over other racial groups. It was used in tragic ways to justify forced sterilizations and other unwanted procedures on Black American...

Weekly Roundup: Their Only Truth is the Big Lie

May 14, 2021 22:30 - 8 minutes

Brad and Dan demonstrate how the only standard of Republican orthodoxy left is whether or not one supports Trump's Big Lie. Through examples from Liz Cheney, to Kevin McCarthy, to Internet-trolls-turned-congresspeople such as Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert--one thing is clear: if you don't believe in and support the Big Lie, you will be ousted from the GOP. This portends a scary future wherein democratic processes are eroded at every turn. It also means that January 6t...

Check Your Worldview, Bro.

May 13, 2021 02:25 - 8 minutes

Brad discusses something that has been bothering him since his Twitter spat with Timothy Keller: Why are all the Reformed Theo-Bros always talking about worldviews. Brad unpacks the buzz words they use to uncover the will to power, the righteous arrogance, and the relativism at the heart of this theological system. After listening to this you will understand why Reformed pastors and theologians--John MacArthur, Timothy Keller, John Piper--often consider themselves the most intellectual, the m...

The Long History of a National Menace

May 10, 2021 12:00 - 10 minutes

Brad speaks with Dr. Philip Gorski, Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies at Yale University. They preview his new co-authored book (with Sam Perry) on the history and future of Christian nationalism in the United States. Professor Gorski illuminates how White Christian nationalism has been part of the American fabric since the Puritans. One of the reasons it is hard to combat is that its threads have become so embedded in our national narratives that we often don't see them. However, ...

Weekly Roundup: Extremism is the Virtue

May 07, 2021 20:56 - 10 minutes

Brad and Dan examine the competing ideals often put forth by the GOP: 1) Be an individualist who thinks for herself vs. 2) work to unite the country behind a common cause. They discuss how these ideals are often contradicted by the GOP's actions and policies. First, they look at the ouster of Liz Cheney for thinking for herself by opposing Trump's Big Lie. Put in her leadership place: Elise Stefanik, someone who went from freethinking moderate to Trumpian acolyte. Then there is Mitch McConnel...

The Rise of the Illiberals

May 05, 2021 19:12 - 9 minutes

Where is the GOP headed four months after an attempted coup? Even further down the rabbit hole of authoritarianism. In the wake of his jarring interview with Dr. Sarah Riccardi-Swartz on fascism in rural America, Brad shows that these anti-democratic impulses are not limited to fringe pockets of the country. They are at the heart of the contemporary conservative movement and GOP. This portends even more anti-democratic maneuvers, threats of violence, and repeats of the 1/6 coup attempt, even ...

"I'm a Fascist"

May 03, 2021 18:42 - 10 minutes

Brad speaks with Dr. Sarah Riccardi-Swartz, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Recovering Truth Project (Arizona State University) about her recent article, "The Hybridity of Rural Fascism." She discusses the Evangelical converts to Orthodoxy in rural Appalachia, at least one of which self-identifies as a fascist. She explains how the group sees Trump as too conservative, and instead looks to Putin as the model leader for this--and any--country. As her and Brad explore, the community represents the e...

Weekly Roundup: This is Not Not a Racist Country

April 30, 2021 22:05 - 9 minutes

Brad and Dan discuss how racism and patriarchy stem from a desire for power and control. They relate this to comments by Rick Santorum on Native American culture, American culture, and the history of the nation. They also apply it to statements from Lyndsey Graham, who said we can't be a racist nation because we elected Obama, and Tim Scott who gave the response to Pres. Biden's address a few days ago. They discuss patriarchy in relation to the revival of Promise Keepers as a way hetero-patri...

The Museum of the Bible

April 26, 2021 15:47 - 9 minutes

Brad speaks with Dr. Jill Hicks-Keeton, Associate Professor of Religion at Oklahoma University and co-editor of The Museum of the Bible: A Critical Introduction, about the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC. Started by the Green family, who own the Hobby Lobby franchise, the Museum of the Bible is what happens when an evangelical megachurch tries to transform into a Smithsonian museum--it mixes Evangelical propaganda with Christian nationalist rhetoric and a supersessionist theology that se...

Weekly Roundup: The Civil War Never Ended

April 24, 2021 00:15 - 9 minutes

Brad and Dan connect the threads of the Chauvin murder conviction, the proposed America First caucus, and racialized violence across the country. They use historical instances from the Civil War, the 1920s, and other moments in the nation's history to explain how we are still living in two countries with two sets of rules. They conclude by examining how Sikh individuals were targeted in the Indianapolis mass shooting and use this instance to explain how religion is raced in the United States ...

Police Brutality, Family Values, and White Supremacist Christianity

April 21, 2021 16:45 - 9 minutes

In the wake of the conviction of former police officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, Brad argues that family values have been used for centuries as a vector for White supremacist Christianity. Not only are family values used today as a way to draw attention away from racial inequality and other systemic issues, but they have been used throughout American history to justify racism and white supremacy. There is a direct line connecting the concern for order, the vision of the fa...

Teaching Creationism = Gateway for LGBTQ+ Bigotry

April 19, 2021 21:01 - 11 minutes

Brad speaks with Andrew Seidel, constitutional lawyer at the Freedom From Religion Foundation and author of The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American. He explains how the Arkansas state legislature's anti-trans bill and the bill to legalize teaching creationism in schools are linked. By inserting creationism into school curricula, Seidel explains, there is the possibility of codifying the idea that there are only two sexes and two genders, which in essence codifies the exclu...

Weekly Roundup: Tragically Back to Normal

April 16, 2021 20:11 - 9 minutes

Brad and Dan discuss how returning to normal after the pandemic is tragic in contemporary America: from the murder of Daunte Wright during the Derek Chauvin murder trial to the propagation of White replacement theory by prominent pundits and politicians to the Evangelical reticence to get the vaccine. They draw on the work of James Baldwin and others to draw connections among these disheartening facets of American life. Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus episodes, ad-free listening, acc...

Satisfying Yourself: Response #2 to Timothy Keller

April 15, 2021 07:00 - 9 minutes

Brad's second (and hopefully final) response to Timothy Keller. Brad discusses Keller's reductionist view of modern conceptions of selfhood; the problematic approach he takes to criticisms that his sexual ethic erases queer people--and creates the context for violence against them; and the ways Keller uses academic and theoretical sources (Taylor, Asad, Foucault) to cover over what are classic evangelical maneuvers: reduce sexual identity to choice, label those who don't fit the heterosexual ...

Satisfying Yourself

April 14, 2021 07:00 - 8 minutes

Brad's second (and hopefully final) response to Timothy Keller. Brad discusses Keller's reductionist view of modern conceptions of selfhood; the problematic approach he takes to criticisms that his sexual ethic erases queer people--and creates the context for violence against them; and the ways Keller uses academic and theoretical sources (Taylor, Asad, Foucault) to cover over what are classic evangelical maneuvers: reduce sexual identity to choice, label those who don't fit the heterosexual ...

Weekly Roundup: The Problem with the Focus on the Family

April 09, 2021 22:26 - 8 minutes

Brad and Dan draw on Sophie Bjork-James' new book, the Divine Institution, to demonstrate how Evangelicals use the nuclear family in order to both attack members of the LGBTQ+ community and draw attention away from systemic issues related to race and other public health threats. In particular, they discuss a) the trans bill and healthcare for trans children in Arkansas b) Biden's executive order on gun control and the issue of gun violence as a public health threat c) the CDC's labeling of ra...

White Supremacists, Border Vigilantes, and Survivalists with Dr. Susannah Crockford

April 07, 2021 19:18 - 9 minutes

Brad is joined by Dr. Susannah Crockford, author of "Thank God for the greatest country on earth: white supremacy, vigilantes, and survivalists in the struggle to define the American nation," an article in which she shares her ethnographic field work from the Arizona desert, near the US-Mexico border. Her work illuminates how Christian nationalism works in the minds of those who see defending the border as the most pressing issue in maintaining the greatness of the USA. She also explores how ...

The Christian Soulmate Fallacy--Response to Timothy Keller

April 05, 2021 22:17 - 9 minutes

Brad responds to a Twitter thread by Timothy Keller, pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Keller argues for sex in a lifelong covenant marked by deep permanent union. He calls this biblical. Brad points out that the only biblical soulmate story we have of this kind is between God and Israel, which is a problematic example since God is both Israel's Husband AND maker. How do you have consent and symmetry if your spouse is your creator? He then shows that the soulmate myth Keller is advancin...

Weekly Roundup: Why Are They Trying Write Trans People Out of Existence?

April 02, 2021 21:42 - 9 minutes

Brad and Dan are happy to announce that SWAJ is joining the Irreverent Media Group--a collective of podcasts that offers content on deconstruction, rediscovery, and everything in between. We outline the details at the top of the episode. Check out for more details! We spend the major segment discussing the 82 anti-trans bills up for vote across the country. Dan shares analysis about how and why the trans body is so disruptive to the Christian nationalist vision of the USA. By us...

Being a Woman of Color in Purity Culture with Asha Dahya

March 31, 2021 18:13 - 9 minutes

TEDx speaker and author Asha Dahya is the Creator and Editor in Chief of GIRLTALKHQ. She was born in the UK, raised in Australia, and now lives in the USA. Of Indian descent, Asha grew up in Evangelical churches and was imbued with the teachings of purity culture. She discusses how it shaped her understanding of love, embodiment, and relationships, and why it prevented her from seeking the proper help when her marriage turned abusive. She also discusses how being a woman of color in the Unite...

Focus on Your Own Family: Response to Focus on the Family's Jim Daly

March 29, 2021 21:57 - 9 minutes

Brad’s response to Focus on the Family head Jim Daly, who mentioned him in a recent article. In the article Daly tried to deflect the analyses that connect the Atlanta shooter with Evangelicalism and purity culture.  Brad dissects Daly’s argument that: The Atlanta shooter’s actions were born from insanity, and thus warrant no further investigation This is unfair to Christianity Purity culture = healthy Marriage is for procreation = biblical He concludes by extolling Daly to focus on his ...

Weekly Roundup: Is There Anything Wrong with Christian Nationalism? (Hint: Yes)

March 26, 2021 21:39 - 7 minutes

Dan provides a detailed rebuttal to a piece claiming that there the concern about Christian nationalism is an overblown conspiracy by liberals and celebrities. Brad links this to the draconian voter-suppression law signed in Georgia last night. The law was bankrolled by Christian nationalists organizations and is a direct reaction to Black women and POC organizing to flip the state Blue. It even makes it illegal to give people in line to vote a glass of water. Talk about freedom, eh?  They fi...

Ravi Zacharias, the Atlanta Shooter, Anti-Asian Hate, and Misogyny

March 25, 2021 00:23 - 10 minutes

Brad talks with Adrian Gibbs, co-host of the Dirty Rotten Church Kids and an ex-evangelical of Filipino descent, about the connections between Ravi Zacharias' abuse of spa workers of Asian descent and the killing of six Asian women of Asian descent at day spas near Atlanta next week. They discuss the themes of misogyny, racial otherness, and purity culture as ways to understand why both cases involve Evangelical men carrying out violence against women of color.  Subscribe for $5.99 a month to...

Sex, Theology, Purity--Response to Al Mohler

March 22, 2021 21:59 - 11 minutes

Brad was featured in a NYT article about purity culture and its affect on the Atlanta shooter along with other academics and advocates including Sam Perry, Joshua Grubbs, and Rachael Denhollander. Soon thereafter Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, derided the article and our comments on his podcast. This is Brad's response. He touches on the selective literalism of Evangelical readings of the Bible, queer theologies and lives from the Bible to the present, ...

Weekly Roundup: A Massacre in Atlanta

March 20, 2021 00:28 - 11 minutes

Brad and Dan discuss the various threads connecting the massacre in Atlanta: from the history of anti-Asian racism, to the various dimensions of purity culture, to the cover Christian nationalism provides to acts of violence. They then discuss the Vatican's statement on why the Church can't bless same-sex unions. To Brad and Dan this is an instance of the hurtful "loving the sinner, hating the sin" ideal used in Evangelical spaces. They conclude with a segment on Russian interference in our e...

Anti-Asian Hate, Purity Culture, and Christian Nationalism

March 17, 2021 23:55 - 10 minutes

In the wake of the mass shooting of 8 people, 6 of whom were Asian women, Brad ties together the threads of anti-Asian hate, purity culture, and Christian nationalism.  Killing half a dozen Asian women and attributing it to sex addiction, not racism, is Christian nationalism in a nutshell:  "Purity culture made me feel bad about my sexual needs, so I eliminated the temptation. What does race have to do with that?" (Hint: everything) Purity culture is not simply about sexual "purity." Sexual e...

Faith After Evangelicalism

March 16, 2021 00:28 - 7 minutes

Brad explains how evangelicalism destroys faith, because it destroys any sense of uncertainty and unpredictability. By working in a register of moral, political, and theological certainty, evangelicalism becomes the anti-thesis of faith. Brad calls this disenchanted theology. By contrast, he argues that as a secular person he has become a person of faith in ways he never experienced as an evangelicals. For him, even as a non-religious person, the world is enchanted--full of unknowability and ...

Weekly Roundup: Jim Crow in a Suit and Tie

March 12, 2021 22:22 - 7 minutes

Voter suppression laws are Christian nationalist policy. They are part of a long lineage of movements that see White Protestants as the only legitimate power brokers in the American landscape. The 253 voter suppression bills put forth by the GOP over the last month are the result of the belief that not everyone should be able to vote and thus not everyone should be able to govern.  After this first segment, we turn to Beth Moore's departure from the SBC, and discuss why it is and is not a big...

Inside the World of Christian Nationalism with Katherine Stewart (Re-release)

March 10, 2021 20:21 - 9 minutes

This is a re-release of an episode from last year. Brad talks to journalist Katherine Stewart, author of the Power Worshipers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism. Her reporting takes us inside the world of Christian nationalism on the level of lived-experience. She conveys what she has seen at BBQs, political rallies, and even revival meetings at the Trump Hotel in DC. What emerges is a frightening picture of the mechanics of MAGA Nation and its religious communities.  Subscri...

The Church Where Defying COVID Orders Takes on a Holy Aura with Sam Kestenbaum

March 09, 2021 19:46 - 9 minutes

Sam Kestenbaum is an award-winning freelance journalist who regularly contributes to the New York Times. He recently wrote a feature on Godspeak, a Calvary Chapel church in Ventura County, CA. At Godspeak, Sam writes, defiance to COVID mandates takes on a holy aura. It is the reason business is booming--attendance has tripled during the pandemic and the head pastor, Rob McCoy, is a rising star in the Right-Wing influencer world. Sam shares his experiences reporting on Godspeak and how it is a...

Weekly Roundup: The Seuss Potato Head Party

March 05, 2021 21:38 - 6 minutes

Brad compares the current moment to other times in American history when crisis and conflict led to a new normal. What will be our new normal after COVID? Will myth or policy drive us forward? On one hand, the Dems are tepidly putting forward legislation on COVID relief, voting rights, and protections for the LGBTQIA+ community. On the other, the GOP is driving the Big Lie forward, along with culture war items like Dr. Seuss and Potato Head. Which story--and which future--will prevail?  Brad ...

We are the Dones. Not the Never Weres.

March 04, 2021 01:05 - 19 minutes

Following a great thread by @CaitlinJStout, Brad discusses why the people who leave evangelicalism are often the ones who devoted themselves wholeheartedly to it.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!

The Atrocity of "Gay Conversion Therapy"

March 02, 2021 02:05 - 9 minutes

 "Conversion therapy" is a discredited practice of trying to change an individual's sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Lucas Wilson is a Liberty University grad who took part in the university's ongoing "conversion therapy" program. Now a writer and scholar, he shares his experiences and those of others who endured the efforts to change their sexual orientation.  Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus episodes, ad-free listening, access to the entire 500-episode archive, Discord acc...

Weekly Roundup: Trump is Still King of the GOP

February 26, 2021 22:39 - 10 minutes

At CPAC this week, there is a golden calf, um, statue of Trump making the rounds. Brad and Dan explore how this emblematizes Trump's continuing reign over the GOP. A majority of Republicans view him as a true patriot. Almost half say they would defect if he started a new party. Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan say Trump is the figurehead of the GOP and will be for the indefinite future. This means, we believe, that the type of violence seen on 1/6 will happen again.  In the second segment we dis...

Why REvangelical is Not Deconstruction

February 24, 2021 17:30 - 7 minutes

Brad lays out the case as to why the REvangelical movement coming from The Gospel Coalition and other voices in the Evangelical universe should not be considered deconstruction.  Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus episodes, ad-free listening, access to the entire 500-episode archive, Discord access, and more: Linktree: Order Brad's new book:

The Nostalgic Myths that Drive MAGA Nation with Dr. Ruth Braunstein

February 22, 2021 20:32 - 7 minutes

Brad talk to Dr. Ruth Braunstein, Professor of Sociology at the University of Connecticut, about the nostalgic myths that drive MAGA Nation. Their conversation centers on how recognizing the structure of these myths enables us to better see how Christian nationalism pervades right-wing movements that don't have any explicit religious identity markers or symbols. Think: the Proud Boys and the NRA. These groups structure their identities around a certain Christian nationalist interpretation of ...

Weekly Roundup: Abandon the Snowflakes

February 19, 2021 22:40 - 7 minutes

What is the point of government? Is is capitalist profit or the common good? Brad and Dan explain how these questions connect notable events from this week--from Rush Limbaugh's death, to the energy disaster in Texas, Ted Cruz's Cancun misadventure, and one small town mayor's cruel understanding of how to treat people suffering through a weather catastrophe. We finish with a favorite segment: He's No James; Madison Cawthorn.  Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus episodes, ad-free listenin...

S1.Ep.9 (Re-release): Genderqueer and Exvangelical Pastor Ann Reilly

February 17, 2021 22:56 - 8 minutes

Brad and Dan's interview with Reilly, Associate Pastor at Presbyterian New England Church in Saratoga Springs NY. Reilly shares how she grew up evangelical, realized she was gay right about the time she received the call to ministry, and her role as a possibility model to young people. Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus episodes, ad-free listening, access to the entire 500-episode archive, Discord access, and more: Linktree:

On Sexual Abuse and the Jezebel Type

February 16, 2021 04:28 - 8 minutes

Brad discusses the Ravi Zacharias scandal and why sexual abuse is so rampant in Evangelical spaces: authoritarian leadership structures, patriarchal theology, in group/out group mentality, and a lack of oversight. He then relates it to Evangelical theologies of sex and gender by examining how Kamala Harris has been given the Jezebel label. Not is it sexist, but its origins are racist in nature. The Jezebel type is a slur against Black Women.  Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus episodes,...


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1 Episode
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1 Episode

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