Welcome back to Straight Up Paleo, where Christina Rice and Kara Halderman answer all of your health questions…straight up.

If you want to submit a question or comment, you can email us at [email protected] or visit our website, straightuppaleo.com.


2:00 - Updates and Christmas talk!

9:40 - Sign up for Christina's The Paleo Women Program! A great crash course on all things Paleo, nutrition, health, exercise and more!

12:45 - 2018, New Year's resolutions and entering the new year

19:30 - Send in questions at StraightUpPaleo.com, our email [email protected], or our Facebook page!

20:30 - Thoughts on our recent guests and confusion on contradicting opinions

27:00 - Using our critical thinking and making small changes in your diet

30:00 - Trusting yourself and your intuition with your diet

33:30 - Scientific studies and variations

36:07 - Our thoughts on protein, quality vs. quantity

38:40 - Christina's thoughts on "high protein"

42:45 - Protein and thyroid and hormonal issues

44:20 - Erring on the side of too much protein

47:10 - What you need for survival vs. what is optimal for longevity

51:30 - Mike Mutzel's High Intensity Health Podcast 

53:30 - Affording quality foods and prioritizing them above other things in life

56:45 - Comparing your diet to Instagramer's food and reality

1:03:50 - Fitness talk, for more great workouts and fitness tips go to Mind Pump Media and The Balanced Berry

1:10:30 - Health shaming and accepting others with different diets than your own

1:17:40 - Taking a break from social media

1:20:00 - Join the Straight Up Paleo Pals Facebook group and don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe on Itunes!

Email us at [email protected] with any podcasts guest ideas, suggestions, questions or topics!

Christina’s latest ebook, #NoSugarNoProblems: A Lovely Collection of Paleo Sweetener-Free Desserts, is now available! This ebook is filled with 30 paleo desserts (with plenty of vegan options) that are free of all sugar and sugar substitutes – cookies, brownies, cupcakes, puddings, milkshakes, cheesecake, cream pie, and more! No sugar, no stevia, no xylitol, no maple syrup, no honey, no erythritol, no bananas, and no dates! This is perfect for anyone who is on the Candida diet, ketogenic, low-carb, diabetic, low-FODMAP, paleo, primal, vegetarian, vegan, or just looking to limit their sugar intake! You can get your copy at addictedtolovely.com under “ebooks” or at bit.ly/nosugarnoproblems. Use the code “straightuppaleo” for 20% off!

Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a private holistic chef to provide you with delicious, beautiful meals?! Email Kara at [email protected] to learn more about her private chef services!

If you want to snag Christina and Kayleigh’s holiday ebook, head to addictedtolovely.com or bit.ly/gratitudehhg! Use the code “straightuppaleo” for 20% off at checkout! Gratitude: A Healthy Holiday Guide for a Paleo Thanksgiving has everything you’ll need for a stress-free, delicious holiday season! There are over 20 delicious paleo recipes inside (and most are vegan), a holiday planning checklist and calendar, and a ton of written content with tips on digestion, how to deal with family drama, what to do about holiday treats, how to exercise, the holiday mindset, and more!

Don’t forget to join our Facebook group, Straight Up Paleo Pals!

You can find Christina at addictedtolovely.com, @addicted_to_lovely on Instagram, and on the Actually Adultish Podcast. You can also email her at [email protected] for consultations.

You can find Kara at karaboutit.com, @kara_boutit on Instagram and you can also email her at [email protected] for consultations.