In which we discuss "When It Changed" by Joanna Russ and "Fairy Tale" by Alexandra Kleeman. Also, feather dusters, social justice, and cowcatchers.

1. “When It Changed” by Joanna Russ. Again, Dangerous Visions. 1972. (pdf)

2. “Fairy Tale” by Alexandra Kleeman. Paris Review. Winter 2010. 

along with, among other things...

Joanna Russ

An appreciation by Kameron Hurley
Profile in The Independent
Obituary, in The Guardian

Alexandra Kleeman

Phenom. Reviews of her debut novel, You Too Can Have a Body Like MIne in Vice. FT. Vogue called it ‘Fight Club for girls’, so there’s that.
Her short story collection, Intimations.
Kleeman on “Fairy Tale” in an interview with The Paris Review. Here in The New Orleans Review on her debut novel.
How to Write a Heroine, with Patricia Park (video on the YouTube)

Feminism, in various contexts

Feminism makes waves
Timeline of the Women’s Liberation Movement, UK.
That Only a Feminist: Reflections on Women, Feminism and Science Fiction, 1818-1960 by L. Timmel Duchamp

Locomotives and Social Movements

Cowcatchers, those sharp pointy things at the front of locomotives
Social Movement Stages: Emergence, Coalescence, Bureaucratization, and Decline (more detail in pdf)
History of Lesbian, and Bisexual Social Movements

When It Changed

Is This the End of the West, March 2016.
Does Trump Herald the End of the West, February 2017.
The closing of the liberal mind.

On Fiction and Dreams

Chasing the White Rabbit by Francine Prose
Kelly Link, in a radio interview, on the ‘Not Quite Dreamy Logic’ of her short story collectionGet in Trouble
Buddhists, Existentialists and Situationists: Waking up in Waking Life by Doug Mann
Roger Ebert’s review of Waking Life

Storyological Past

That one episode, FOR A MINUTE THERE, in which we discussed the stories of Kelly Link.