In which we discuss "The Venus Effect" by Joseph Allen Hill and "Where We Must Be" by Laura van den Berg. Also, fate, politics, and bigfoot.

In which we discuss,

1. “The Venus Effect” by Violet Allen, Lightspeed.

source: /u/Peter_Mansbrick

Listen to an audio version of the story, narrated by Stefan Rudnicki, in a delicious podcast here (=>mp3).

2. “Where We Must Be” by Laura van den Berg, Indiana Review

along with, among other things...


Duck Amok

Riding the Meta

That’s So Meta: Writing a Story About Writing a Story
Adventures in Meta-Fiction with Paul Park
Let’s Get Meta: Science Fiction About Science Fiction
The metaficitonal, liminal, lyrical ways of writer Carmen Maria Machado

The Personal is the Political

The Pitfalls for the Politically Engaged Writer
The origin of the phrase. Carol Hanisch. February, 1969.

Earnest Indirectness

Where the Wild Things Are

Dreams and Monsters

Lucid dreaming
A Monster Callsand the Value of Fantasy as Escapism

Storyological Past

That one episode, LAMBORGHINIS AND OTHER SIGNIFIERS where we discussed Joseph Allen Hill’s story, “You Can’t See It ’Til It’s Done”