We've just finished watching season 2 of Ted Lasso, and loved it.

The whole show – from the basic premise to the interplay of characters – is a study in contrasts.

You can see it in the basic premise – American Football Coach vs. British Soccer. You can see it in the tone, American Enthusiasm vs. British Cynicism. You can see it in the dialogue ... schmaltz vs. swearing (often in front of kids).

The contrast creates tension, conflict and drama ... not to mention huge amounts of laughter.

But the most important lesson, for us, is that it also creates depth.

When we are telling a story about our business, we aren't just telling one ... we're creating depth, a mythology in the service of a wider narrative.

And as with mythology, each story can show a side of our business and our character. Different stories will connect with different people.

This is the arena where you get to beat big business ... where you show depth and personality in a way that is so hard for them.

Use it.

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