Next Episode: 381 Kenneth Nixon Jr.

Liza and her husband decided to shake things by riding their bicycles across the country. This enabled them to choose to live in the moment and to find the beauty. Their journeys have become inspiration for others to follow their dreams. Liza shares the following nuggets of life wisdom: be present with what's happening around you find the beauty people are amazing follow your dreams taking on a challenge is often a mind game the biggest challenge is between our own ears live in the moment be who you are learn to value yourself you have control live life in meaningful and connected ways life is joyful put joy first tags: Liza, McQuade, author, Spontaneous, Revolutions, Seeing, America, One, Pedal, at, a, Time, extraordinary, bicycle, adventure, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean,