Previous Episode: 323 Kelly McDonald
Next Episode: 325 Katherine Linn Caire

Steve experienced burnout, which he describes as a dark time in his life.  A bright light experience enabled him to seek balance and a shift in priorities.  Steve shares the following nuggets of life wisdom: spend quiet time slow down and feel our feelings recognize when/how we feel; such as fatigue and anger it's important for us to understand our pasts choose to be around those that are well-balanced burnout can cause depression come back to the space of 'pacing ourselves' be mindful of 'energy vampires' write from the heart   tags:  Steve, Haggerty, writer, author, storyteller, NORMAN, ROCKWELL’S, MODELS, In, and, Out, of, the, Studio, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean,