Previous Episode: 303 Felice Zaslow (Special)
Next Episode: 305 Jane Enright

Hi friends, Jean Walters and I bring you another special episode of "Unlocking Your Brilliance", where we talk about simplicity.  In this episode, she shares the following nuggets of life wisdom: get in touch with who we are ask ourselves; "how much do we really need?" release what's not serving you let go we outgrow people make space to allow ourselves to connect with our higher selves we need 'soul time' be fully present in what we do be kind to ourselves open up space for higher energy to come in   tags:  Jean, Walters, personal, growth, consultant, teacher, author, lecturer, Spiritual, Transformation, Deep, Truth, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean,