When Kristen lost her baby, she leaned into journaling as a way of coping and navigating loss. She felt a loss of relationships, identity and dreams. Kristen chose not to allow events to define her. She navigated from the grief and rebuilt herself from the ground up. Kristen put herself back together again in new and better ways. She shares these powerful nuggets of life wisdom: - change and trauma can be a great opportunity/gift if we can keep our hearts open - look for the opportunity to grow - we have the capacity to be resilient - there's a mystery to healing - be patient with yourself - grief is not a straight line - savor moments of peace - look for something to have hope in - look for the good     tags: Kristen, Rademacher, author, writer, life, coach, ADHD, LD, specialist, From, the, Lake, House, A, Mother's, Odyssey, of, Loss, and, Love, memoir, storiesthatempower.com, story, stories, that, empower, empowering, empowerment, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, hope, light, podcast, Sean