If you're sitting at the airport and you got cool socks on, people can't help but notice. Not everybody can be unique, funky and have the courage to stand out from everybody else.  This is the same truth that applies to your personal branding. How do you stand out?

Tune in to learn more 🎬 watch the full episode of Stop Doing Nothing —  How To Differentiate Yourself Online With Phil Gerbyshak and Beth Ziesenis.

What You Will Discover: 

✔️  The start of real conversations is the very beginning of the funnel. What makes the best conversation starters are things that you love to use or wear and show your brand. 

These have become talking points that establish relationships with people who may need our products or services now or in the future. 

✔️   If you're someone selling YOU, be the person they buy at all times. Whether online or offline, you are the billboard of the brand you seek to establish. How do you get comfortable living up to it? 

✔️ Author, speaker and self-professed nerd Beth Ziesenis shares the importance of looking at things you like and who you truly are when considering your personal brand elements. Her color and brand name all came accidentally and organically tied up neatly with her tech guru, speaker and trainer professions.

✔️ Social Selling Expert Phil Gerbyshak has 20 pairs of different colors of glasses. His successful branding gets people asking: 'What color is Phil going to wear on the next live stream?" Letting people pick his specs when he goes out to speak makes people notice, if not remember, him even more.  _________________________________________________________________

Beth Ziesenis is an author and speaker who is your own personal Nerdy Best Friend. She keeps up with all the new online applications and downloads that can help you look like you’re working with a team of marketing, computer and productivity experts, even if you suffer from a shrinking staff and a disappearing budget.

Now that the world has changed, Beth Z is ALL IN on virtual events. Since her first Motorola RAZR flip phone, Beth has been fascinated with technology and computer shortcuts that make people’s lives easier.


Know more about Beth at  https://www.yournerdybestfriend.com/

Phil Gerbyshak is a speaker, sales expert, corporate sales trainer and small business coach. Phil trains his clients on the power of connection, leveraging the reach of social media, combined with the deeply personal work of nurturing 1:1 relationships, growing profitable long-term clients, transforming businesses and boosting revenue.

Know more about Phil at https://philgerbyshak.com/


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