How to Stay Sane While Sheltering in Place During COVID-19

“It’s time to get creative.” — Patrick Allmond (29:12-29:13)

We're losing our minds right now because we're used to socializing with people. We've been in quarantine longer than we expected but we have the choice to make the most out of it, no matter how bad things get. In this week's show, we must stay optimistic and focus on how you can stay sane while sheltering in place during COVID-19.

Part One of ‘How to Stay Sane While Sheltering in Place During COVID-19’

We can walk down the street or drop by at the grocery store to buy our essential stocks, but we can't hang out with each other and are strictly required to stay six feet away from each other. If you normally visit the gym to work out, make it a habit to maintain your regular exercise even at home. 

“Keeping a routine can help you stay sane during isolation.” — Patrick Allmond (10:54-11:02)

For those of you who are working from home or you're an entrepreneur who's used to going out and having active movements, it's best to maintain your pre-work routines. Keep yourself clean by showering even if you don’t have anywhere else to go. And if planning your food and fitness habits help you stay sane, then keep them on your daily schedule. If you’re a teacher, you can also start developing an online class to help others. 

Part Two of ‘How to Stay Sane While Sheltering in Place During COVID-19’

This is also a perfect time to look at your garage. Look at the stuff around your house. It may be a good time for some cleaning since you've got a lot of extra time. You can do it with your family since you're probably spending a lot of time with them at home. It's also an opportunity to learn how to get along with them better. And if you have kids, help them understand that regular learning is important. So, that's where you can step in as a parent or older adult to teach and guide them, whatever needs they may have. If they’re smart, now may also be a good time to throw some even harder challenges at home to push their limits.

“Maintaining a routine offers a lot of mental health benefits.” —  Patrick Allmond (20:25-20:27)

It's time to get creative when it comes to education or business. Don't wait for the pandemic to be over before you get back to your daily routines. Don't forget to stretch and stay hydrated. Hopefully, you found some educational resources that you need during this time. There’s a lot of unique things that you can do. If you're interested in marketing, advertising or technology related things, reach out to Patrick through a private message.

About Patrick Allmond

Patrick Allmond is a multi-decade entrepreneur, veteran, pilot, and ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX Contributor. He is also the founder of Focus Digital Marketing Agency and the StopDoingNothing movement. Action is the great thing that separates the average from the great. Decide today which one you want to be. Business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation!