SDN091: Stop Hiding Motivations

Do you mind spending five minutes of your time reading something that could change your life or your business forever? If you're ready to step forward and figure out what it's about, then keep reading. This quarantine period is a perfect opportunity for you to start thinking about how you're doing things. In this week's episode, Patrick Allmond shares his insights about hiding motivations.

Part One of ‘Stop Hiding Motivations’

When we engage with each other on a personal level or a business level, we often like to put on a perfect face. We love showing off things like the best makeup, the best clothes, and putting our best face forward as we're talking about something. We often forget to talk about real things and focus on what's happening behind the scenes.

“Transparency builds authentic connection.” — Patrick Allmond (06:11-06:19)


Sometimes, people don't see exactly what you want out of a personal or business relationship. Whenever you engage or come across someone trying to sell something, it's usually hard to trust that person right out of the gate because you don't know what their ulterior motives are. The longer you're in business, and the longer you live through life, you can spot the difference between transparent people and those who are just pretending. And you probably met a lot of them in the past, even up to the present time. So, here's a helpful tip for you. When you go into a business conversation, be yourself before the conversation, during the conversation, and after the conversation.

Part Two of ‘Stop Hiding Motivations’

Some people in the public speaking industry act differently when they're not on camera. This is also true for people who are doing business presentations. Money isn't always our motivation for doing things. Sometimes we do something purely to make a better living and provide a better life for those around you. If you can be more transparent in your presentations, then it's going to make the other person connect better with you. If you share similar motivations with someone you're trying to sell something to, your selling job is going to be a lot easier. Generally, whether you're talking about something that may not be someone's cup of tea, you must be transparent at all times.

“It's time to unleash the real you.” —  Patrick Allmond (07:56-08:01)

Again, make sure that when you're going into sales conversations or you're going to be on stage talking or even if you're going to be out meeting somebody, make sure you're more transparent in your conversations. Make sure you're more upfront with what your motivations are. Because when you do that, things get easier. We tend to make so many things hard both in our personal and professional relationships because we are so busy pretending. We are so busy hiding our true self or so busy hiding our real wants, needs, and desires.

About Patrick Allmond

Patrick Allmond is a multi-decade entrepreneur, veteran, pilot, and ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX Contributor. He is also the founder of Focus Digital Marketing Agency and the StopDoingNothing movement. Action is the great thing that separates the average from the great. Decide today which one you want to be. Business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation!