Have you ever wondered what would happen if you had to start over in business? In this week's episode, Patrick Allmond talks about what you need to know to start over in business (even during a recession).

Part One of ‘If I Could Start Over in Business’

If you are starting up a business, or if you've been in business for a little while, you want to focus on scaling. You want to make sure that things get done right. If you cannot stand playing with the numbers, find yourself a good accountant.

As you learn to develop maturity in business, you learn to focus on the bigger things. Again, find a local accountant maybe for the big stuff like the tax reporting and payroll. If you want to get started on it today, basically find an online service that does it for you.

When you first go into business, you have to do everything. You’ll be taking out the trash, making your coffee, creating your video shows, building your websites, marketing, booking travel, and more. That's how it is for most people that go into business as a solo person. That's just the realistic part of it.

“I wish in my marketing I had gone deeper into videos sooner.” — Patrick Allmond 

Starting a business is always a significant risk. We have a big issue in our society of people having different personas online and offline. That happens a hundred percent of the time. There are risks when it comes to marketing. You risk looking like a fool and embarrassing yourself, possibly embarrassing your company a little bit.

But what can also happen is massive growth opportunities. When you're speaking, traveling, coaching, or consulting, you need to be comfortable in your clothes. The more comfortable you are, the better value you deliver to your clients.

Part Two of ‘If I Could Start Over in Business’

Ever wished that you had gone deeper into video marketing the moment you discovered social media? There are many tools that you can purchase at a reasonable price to market your business through online videos.

Most of the successful people we look up to nowadays took advantage of the internet sooner. Every single time you see a platform that offers a new video function or a new way to do video, don't hesitate to jump on it.

“The tools to do marketing video are cheap. There's no financial excuse not to do it.” —  Patrick Allmond 

Marketing wise, it scales you up and puts you at a level above anybody out there doing blogging or podcasts. Nowadays, you have the option to use tools like Wordpress to simplify your blogging. If speaking in person is your best modality, use tools like Zoom.

Getting comfortable with your method of communication is essential for business success. There's something about it that pushes you to be the best version of yourself.

How to Get Involved

Patrick Allmond is a multi-decade entrepreneur, veteran, pilot, and ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX Contributor. He is also the founder of Focus Digital Marketing Agency and the StopDoingNothing movement. Action is the great thing that separates the average from the great. Decide today which one you want to be. Business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! https://stopdoingnothing.com/