Are you planning to start a company? Ready to build a killer brand in 2020? Perhaps you already have an existing business, and you need guidance to take your brand to the next level? Have you ever asked yourself what it means to build your brand and what it's not supposed to be?

Sometimes the message behind your brand is defining what you are not, rather than what you are. Patrick Allmond, the host of Stop Doing Nothing podcast, is here to share his extensive experience when it comes to successful branding.

Part One of ‘Branding’

When you're running a business, building a brand happens by default. The misconception that everybody is your prospect says a lot about who you are. Perfect clients are not the majority.


There are billions of people on this planet. Not everybody is going to have the financial capacity to buy what you're selling. In the business world, it's crucial to find your tribe. It’s the primary purpose of marketing and branding.

“Once you find your people, the consistency behind your brand's message builds trust.” — Patrick Allmond (07:15-07:16)

Once you find your people, the consistent message behind your brand builds trust. If you can build confidence in business, online or offline, you can sell anybody just about anything. Trust-building means that you stand for a particular thing. That you will deliver your promised service. In everything you do, you should always be working on building trust because it's going to reflect on your brand.

There are brands out there that you don't trust. There are brands out there that you hate. That you have sworn to never buy from. We all have them out there. The trust you earn from your clients can also get you more referrals. This is a form of free marketing.

It could be simple people sharing your brand on social media. Telling their friends how much they love it. That's what trust can get you. If you've built a good brand, then people are going to refer you automatically. Referrals are the best kind of marketing.

Part Two of ‘Branding’

If someone is willing to spend two hundred dollars with you and adore you, they trust you. When you sell them your products at higher prices, it becomes more manageable. Especially if your relationships with your clients are strengthened by trust. Regardless of the marketing strategies, people will always invest in a trusted brand.

“People will always invest in a trusted brand.” —  Patrick Allmond (11:56-11:59)

Branding is a lot more than colors and logos. Branding is a presence. It's how you speak. It's how you look. Be okay with being one hundred percent yourself. You might lose some people. It's going to help you find the right people.

The people you lose might be friends. They won’t like your brand. But you can succeed. It's a scary path to build your brand, but don't let fear stop you. Do it for those people whose lives you want to improve.

How to Get Involved

Patrick Allmond is a multi-decade entrepreneur, veteran, pilot, and ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX Contributor. He is also the founder of Focus Digital Marketing Agency and the StopDoingNothing movement. Action is the great thing that separates the average from the great. Decide today which one you want to be. Business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation!