Tonight's special guest is Steve Simpson from New York City. An abuse survivor himself, Steve thinks there needs to be more accountability and consequences for child abusers. He'll describe his own personal struggles as an abuse survivor and how he is thriving today, and identify identify some of the common characteristics (trauma) of adult abuse survivors. Steve is an award-winning child advocate who has created The Teenage and Young Adult Survival Handbook, a small, life-saving guide. It covers many of the issues plaguing young people today -- suicide, bullying, physical abuse, verbal abuse, self-worth, being the child of an addict, etc. Steve discusses the stats and facts on child abuse and neglect, his own personal struggles as an abuse survivor and how he's thriving today. This CDC report says that at least 1 in 7 children has experienced child abuse or neglect, likely an underestimate. And according to an Administration for Children and Families report, 76% of child abuse perpetrators were a parent to their victim. We often hear about abuse cases once the victim is grown up .. but what happens to the abusers / perpetrators? Are they held accountable for their actions? Steve speaks strictly from a survivor's POV. He is not a doctor, lawyer, or mental health professional, but is a passionate child advocate who volunteers his time speaking at schools and throughout various communities to help spread a healing message of hope.