Tonight's special guest is Alisa Starr from Seattle, Washington, who was  molested at 13 by a 22-year-old family friend. It lasted for 9 months. "It was the first time a boy had had feelings for me Alisa says, "so at first I felt flattered. But there was shame and secrecy in the 'relationship'." She goes on, "My abuser wanted to marry me. Promising to marry someone at 13 quickly lost its luster. And he was an emotional succubus. I ended our relationship after 9 months." But that wasn't the end of it. "He stalked me. And then started to molest my sister." Their abuser went to jail for molesting them .. for 11 months. "When he got out, he continued to stalk my sister and I. He moved his work to 2 blocks away from us. He called our house. He was in a wedding with my brother. He was still friends with my father. I wasn't free of him until I was 19." Alisa goes on, "I've had 20 years of therapy. I had flashbacks, anxiety, panic attacks and depression. I don't have those feelings anymore. I started therapy at 17. I went to group therapy, worked The Courage to Heal and continue with therapy until today. I've helped other survivors through their flashbacks, new relationships, panic attacks and depression. I'm also writing a book called 'What To Do After Your Kid Is Sexually Attacked: A Handbook', and I've written greeting cards on healing and how to heal." She concludes, "You can't undo the trauma of a sexual attack. But you can love someone through their trauma and accept all of their feelings and stories as they try to recover. Loving them will help heal them. Creating a network of support around abuse survivors and their families is the most important part of recovery."