Tonight's special guest is Dr. Teresa Van Woy from Benicia, California, a survivor of physical, emotional and neglectful child abuse, along with eight siblings, at the hands of their mother. The impoverished family lived in a camper and later at a homeless shelter in San Francisco. "My mother finally found a studio apartment for us in the slums of the Tenderloin district," she says, "amongst the drug dealers and prostitutes. And it was here that my life changed forever. At the age of 7, I was now in charge of taking care of my mother, my older sister, and my younger twin brothers." Teresa, now a Podiatrist, has written a compelling memoir, 'Wildflower: A Tale of Transcendence'. All about her childhood abuse, it's an inspirational memoir, written from a child's perspective, so it includes her adventures and fantasies of living a better life. "My healing began when I started writing my book. My secret had been locked away all my life, hidden from myself and from the world. When that pen touched the paper, unleashing all my past trauma, that's when the healing journey began." Teresa's past is the past. "My mother's abuse to me was rampant, throwing things at me, punching me, kicking, tossing me against the walls, throwing plates of food at me, kicking me outside naked, etc. My only refuge was school and my adventures around the city. Life was very scary." Now she's better. "I am right where I want to be in life." Happily married with three beautiful daughters, she says, “I hope to inspire them to believe in themselves.” She's also an activist in her community, and has spoken at the Solano County First Five event about her abuse.