Tonight's special guest is Dr. Tina Medina from Kansas City, Kansas. She was sexually molested as a child by her uncle. In recovery, Tina is now a professional writer specializing in public relations, community/media relations, technical and grant writing. "My book series explains how God is capable of healing the wounded spirit of a sexual abuse victim," she says. "I have a book for preschoolers, schooled aged children, teenagers, and adults. I have writing journals and am developing the counselor's guides at this time." As Tina tells her story, "I was scared when my uncle touched me and was frightened because he woke me up in those instances. Although it only occurred three to five times, and only for 10 seconds or so, I still do not like to be woke up and I do not like for a man to touch me without my permission." Years later, she began her healing through the help of the Pentecostal Church in 1998. "The journey to sexual abuse recovery is all about taking tiny steps to release pent up feelings and when they are gone," she explains, "then the fruit of the Holy Spirit can come in and all is well. The spiritual aspect of inner healing is crucial for full recovery. My spirit is the essence of me and it needed to be healed in order for me to be creative and fulfilled. Walking those baby steps are huge healing steps because it is our version of walking on water. What was once thought to be impossible is now very much attainable. That is the hope of God."