Tonight's special guest is Teresa Myrick from St. Petersburg, Florida, a survivor of violent, sexual and emotional abuse. The abuse last all through her childhood. Teresa is now an author, speaker and Life Coach. "I credit it all to self-help books, counseling, the Life Recovery Process and Neuro-Transformational Coaching," she says. "I started addressing the results of my trauma in my 20's. I had moments when I thought I was good and finished with healing (Ha!) only to learn that it is an ongoing process. I am now building my Coaching business." My father was murdered by his best friend when I was about 2 years old. He died in my mom's arms. She subsequently got involved with my brother's father who was abusive. Every Friday there would be a physical fight, resulting in me and my brother huddled up in the corner of an adjacent room listening to the bumps, thumps, mumbles and grunts. This went on for 10 years. My mom finally had enough and put him out! She did not look back. We had a bit of a break until she met her next boyfriend. He touched and rubbed up on me inappropriately from my middle school to high school years. Currently I'm in a 13-year marriage, the mother of 3 boys (two adults, one teen), an author, speaker and Life Coach. I credit it all to self-help books, counseling, the Life Recovery Process and Neuro-Transformational Coaching. My motto:” Be good to you, so that you can be good to others.”