Tonight's special guest is Peter Elsley from Chatham-Kent, Ontario, Canada, a 50 year old originally from Australia, who's been living in Ontario, Canada for 17 years of his life. "I am also a long time survivor of 30 years living with HIV; due to, sexual abuse and other forms of abuse," Peter reveals. "Both my parents had government jobs, they were both alcoholics and gamblers." Peter was 6 years old when he was first sexually abused by an older cousin. It's his understanding that his own sister was also molested by their cousin, beginning at age 3. The molesting happened for many years, until Peter was 14 years. "Silence was never broken from me, news came about over a phone call I had with my mother, when I told her, but right away I was never believed and told I needed to stop the lying. My mother told me over the phone about what my sister had shared. I discovered that my cousin had the AIDS virus." Peter continues, "I endured the HIV virus from my cousin. I never was healed, because I had nobody to believe me. My grandparents, perhaps, were the only people who had believed me. Today, I am still haunted with nightmares, I am on suicidal watch by my specialist / therapist." Peter courageously shares his story to heal and so, others may understand the effects of childhood sexual abuse.