Tonight's special guest is Malisia (Mia) McKinney from Daytona Beach, Florida, wife, author of '12 Step Work Book for Survivors of Sexual Abuse' and advocate for adult survivors. "I consider myself blessed." Mia says. "I survived Physical, Sexual and Mental Abuse at the hands of my mother and many others, but was able to forgive and move forward becoming a productive adult in society." She explains, "For 12 years my mother created a hell for me with beatings, poisonings, and sexual abuse. I was brainwashed into believing I was unlovable and God hated me.” After leaving home Malisia was a victim of human trafficking and a broken foster care system. It took a while, but as she grew eventually things started to get better. "It was the kindness of safe and loving people I met along the way whom let me know there was more to life. That’s what I want to talk about tonight: our heroes and angels we meet along the way who show us what unconditional love really is." Mia continues, "With the holidays here and a pandemic at hand we need those heroes more than ever." She goes on, "I’m not saying it’s going to be easy but there's a support system out there to get you through those tough moments. Healing is a lifetime journey that is worth it. Let's talk about how to handle friends and family during this season which can be happy times for some and triggering for others. I am humbled and proud to be a part of the NAASCA family." We at NAASCA are proud of her, too. Non-paid volunteers are the backbone of the mission at our non funded 501(c)3. We receive no grants and are self supporting through our own contributions, most of which are expressed by the many hours a week members like Mia contribute! Thank you !!!