Tonight's special guest is Christopher Scramuzzo from Denver, Colorado, a child abuse survivor. Finding it difficult to sum up his life in a few words, Christopher shares, “I was born to a sociopath and [he] snapped when I was born. I became his self-justifying perversion (a pawn). Targeted as the one who did the things he'd done, including sexual abuse. Hijacking my will producing identity theft.” Christopher's abuse started only a few days after his birth, with his father sexually abusing him as soon as he was brought home. The sexual abuse and physical abuse lasted eight years, but the mental abuse lasted even after his “demonic” father's death last year. Having survived multiple “murder attempts” by his father, Christopher describes the first murder attempt his own words, “[The] First attempt at murdering me was within weeks after birth. He choked me until my lips turned a pasty swamp green, giving brain damage. Hidden and held secret for 30 years, trying to secure his lie as the truth, ending his life last year with me at fault. A blame product of society from his doing because we didn't know how to diagnose sociopath yet.” NAASCA welcomes Christopher as he shares his story of survival.