REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2145 -- Tonight's special guest is Sharyn Higdon Jones from San Jose, California, a licensed psychotherapist for over 35 years with individuals, couples and families who have experienced the trauma of abuse. Sharyn attended college, married, had 2 children, and bought their first home. All was fine, until an event occurred which triggered her memories, her nightmares, and her pain. She began therapy and attended workshops and anything she could find that would help her understand herself and her experiences. She has created and facilitated workshops and groups for survivors and their partners. In her words: “The pain of being sexually abused is deep and profound. The abuse experience touches the core of a woman's being in ways she could never have predicted. She has been violated on so many levels – physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual. Her abuse wound becomes her constant companion. It's difficult to know how and when to begin freeing yourself of the past so you can be fully present for your future.” Sharyn is also the author of the book 'Healing Steps; a Gentle Path to Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse,' written in a workbook format with exercises. Sharyn says, “Healing Steps is a perfect step-by-step process that evolved out of groups of women molested as children. It is the perfect format either to be facilitated by a mental health professional or could be used as a guide in a peer support group.” Sharyn will also talk about her Healing Steps support groups which she facilitated for over 20 years, that were not only unique in their structure but were a real catalyst for healing.