REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2080 -- Tonight's special guest is Dwight Hurych from Greensboro, North Carolina, a survivor of childhood emotional neglect. “My parents divorced when I was 3 years old and my mother was the custodial parent. She had a drinking problem and was totally unavailable emotionally. When I attempted to talk her, her responses were cliché and dismissive. I felt like I wasn't worth her time or attention.” Such neglect left Dwight feeling unworthy of love or even the title of survivor. Looking back on his life, he sees how it was a perfect setup for relationship storms: three failed marriages and few close friends. He started recovery in the only path he became aware of, 12-Step Al-Anon meetings and talk therapy. With the help of others, he adopted an emphasis on "inner child" awareness and integration based on the works of John Bradshaw and Alice Miller. Dwight gratefully points to a particular in-patient program at the Caron Foundation (Wernersville, PA) for adult children of alcoholics where his involvement in group psychodramas enabled leaps in his recovery. However, he discovered years later his healing journey still wasn't over when he experienced a dark period of financial and spiritual bankruptcy. "My journey has now come full circle, as I combine my healing and spiritual growth with my computer skills and small business marketing toward one aim: helping other adult survivors of child abuse get the peer support they need." All his life and career experiences came together harmoniously when Dwight was asked to be the Co-Organizer of the Survivors Anonymous Group, a private Meetup group for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse. Along with the group's founder, Joanna Price, the goal is to take this platform nationwide, and perhaps more.