Tonight's special guest is Sam Young from Houston, Texas, a former dedicated Mormon leader who discovered that four of his six daughters were being interrogated with sexually explicit questions by bishops, through a private, closed-door Mormon interview practice. At first, the church responded with a minor but significant policy change. Although Sam had lived his entire life as a Mormon, in September 2018, that all ended with his excommunication. As Sam relates, “Rather than implement the protections that our movement was calling for, the Church responded by kicking the whistleblower out. I was willing to put everything on the line and stand up for what is right for our kids. Although my religious affiliation has been sacrificed, I will not allow my voice to be sacrificed into silence.” An activist now, Sam is leading an effort called 'Protect Every Child' and is here to talk about his life and a wonderful upcoming event: On Saturday, October 5th, 2019, a major ‘March & Rally for The Children’ is being held in Salt Lake City, Utah. NAASCA is a participant in supporting these efforts and encourages anyone who lives close enough to attend. Sam states, “My original goal was to Protect Mormon (LDS) children. During 2018 and early 2019, as scandal after scandal after scandal of child abuse continued to erupt, I realized EVERY CHILD is at risk. Enough is Enough. Adults need to stand up and shout from the mountain tops that abuse of children must stop. We won’t take it anymore.”