Tonight's special guest is Lisa from New York City, a returning member of our NAASCA family and a panel participant on our shows. Lisa tackles the issue of 'court ordered rape,' which she defined as a crime victim of sexual assault being ordered to submit to genital, intrusive examination at the behest of the court, on behalf of the assailant, in SCAN episode #1662, ‘Examining Institutional Abuse.' Lisa experienced Court Ordered Rape after being unknowingly infected with a genital disease by a partner who was intent on harming her. After he was convicted criminally she pursued him in civil court. The court ordered an 'expert' witness to perform an unnecessary post-diagnostic pelvic exam, against her will and without her consent. On SCAN episode #1968, Lisa talked further about her experience with 'court-ordered rape'. Lisa discovered was intentionally infected with herpes. The Judge ordered Lisa to submit to an invasive pelvic exam for no medical or legal reasons. Medical evaluation of victims of sexual assault are part of the procedure for the immediate collection of evidence. But 'court-ordered rape' refers specifically to later body cavity examinations conducted at the request of the assailant to conduct discovery on the body of a person, even without his/her consent to such an exam. Lisa has learned there are numerous children who experience these re-traumatizing exams at the hands of a doctor (see the Villanova Report). Lisa is an outspoken advocate for victims' rights and raising consciousness of the presence and impact of this crime.