Tonight's special guest is Kendall Alaimo from Chicago, Illinois. She is a survivor of child sexual abuse, a clinical educator in prevention and recovery, a life coach, professionally trained artist, an international activist and the executive producer of The Sentenced to Life Podcast. Having endured years of child sexual abuse, Kendall has a deep and intimate knowledge about how these crimes against children affect adult survivors clinically later in life. Her road to recovery was long but Kendall did not march in her own parade to get there. Through her years practicing as an international activist Kendall has built a community of survivors from around the world. Kendall provides clinical trainings on child sexual abuse prevention education and how to best innovate care for complex trauma survivors in the larger community. She is passionate about educating mandated reporters on the signs of pediatric trauma, reforming the curriculum at Universities to include trauma education to future treaters, new modalities for CPTSD like Ketamine and best practices for mental health professionals working with trauma survivors. She has spoken at universities, hospitals and treatment programs around the united states. She has been featured on international news outlets, radio shows, and podcasts. Kendall says, “Survivorship must never be a selfish pursuit. It's about placing the oxygen mask on yourself and then onto the survivor beside you. What survived is my voice and I am using it to tell the stories of many.” To learn more about Kendall you can visit or you can listen to her podcast Sentenced to Life here: