Tonight's special guest is Marlaine 'Moma Marlaine' Cover from Arnold, California, founder of Parenting 2.0 (P20), that advocates dynamic education for Life Skills used daily. Marlaine, a mother to two daughters, began her path to social entrepreneurship while yelling at her daughter one morning as she exited the house for school without eating breakfast. "You may be getting a 4.0 out of European History but you are flunking personal care 101." Marlaine slammed the door and the voice inside her head replied, "Well, of course she is, she has a mad woman wearing a bathrobe screaming at her for an educator." Believing that Life Skills were more critical than academics and they warranted a much more dignified educational process, Marlaine sat down at her kitchen table that morning and created the concept of Life Skills Report Cards (LSRC). Working with it proved such a game-changer that she formed the Parenting 2.0 on LinkedIn in 2009 to share the concept and to support Life Skills professionals. Today, Parenting 2.0 has over 8800 members in more than 100 countries and hosts the world's only professional conference for Life Skills professionals, P20 Talks. Marlaine is also the author of 'Kissing The Mirror: Raising Humanity in the Twenty-first Century'.