Tonight's special guest is Jennifer Corona from Houston, Texas, a returning NAASCA family member who was last with us in 2014. "I am a survivor of 30 years of multiple types of abuse. Throughout the years I managed to continue pursuing my goals & achieved by far more than I could have ever imagined." A paralegal and author, she's an activist, advocate, speaker and mentor for victims of domestic and sexual abuse. "My greatest desire is to become an attorney to help victims more." She explains, "I speak at colleges, several different organizations and where ever I am called to." Jennifer certainly has a lot of experience. Childhood molestation by one of her uncles began for her at age 4. It continued through her mid teenage years. By that time it included two uncles and two cousins. "At age 10 I began to have black outs mostly when I was in school," she says. "My vision would come back slowly, first black and white, then full color. Age 13, I tried to end my life. At age 14 I almost got raped by an ex boyfriend. At age 15 the physical abuse began, and it continued till I was 28." Her adult years weren't much better. Now, among other things, Jennifer counts her blessings as a mother in a blended and extended family. But 2017 was a tough year for her. She had surgery and ended a relationship with a narcissist. In April of 2018 Jennifer married her best friend, also a survivor. They are writing a book together, SCARS, a combination of both of their testimonies and the journey through the pain, suffering and heartache "that ultimately led to redemption, restoration, reconstruction, forgiveness, endless hope, mustard seed faith, unseen tears, unspoken words, and numerous prayers." She concludes, "Greatest thing of all, we survived!"