Investigative journalist Scott Carney is our guest as we dive into: Why you might want to consider getting in cold water, the technique for staying in cold water for more than a few seconds, how to take your first step into the freeze, brown fat, the power of lightly held beliefs, how people are dying with the Wim Hof method, and the law of speedy gains. 


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Guest Bio: Scott Carney is an anthropologist, investigative journalist, author, and a seeker of both the fringes of human experience and the core of what makes us human. Scott has written four books to date, including The Vortex, The Enlightenment Trap, The Red Market,  What Doesn’t Kill Us, and The Wedge, and produced the recent film The Rise and Fall of the Wim Hof Empire.

Scott’s work has been featured in many magazines — Wired, Mother Jones, Playboy, Foreign Policy, Men’s Journal, and National Public Radio. He has won the Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism and is a multi-finalist for the Livingston Award for International Journalism. You can find all his goodies on his website.  

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We Discuss: 

The mindset method for staying in cold water Detailed steps for entering cold water The benefit of breaking through walls and physiologic control using ice water exposure The power of lightly held beliefs Cold exposure as a lightly-held belief People are dying using the Wim Hof method The Bitcoin Enema Does Brown Fat matter? The law of speedy gains