It's said over and over again in the personal development space that a morning routine will set you up for success for the rest of the day.

Well it's said over and over again because it's true!

My personal morning routine has changed over the years, and really shifted in the last three weeks. It's taken me months to find a morning routine that works for me. Finally I feel settled into and can wake up knowing exactly what I'm going to do. I'm almost on auto pilot for the routine and that feels great! Why would I want to over think at 5:30am?!

During this episode I share my journey and how it's changed over time.

I also dive into how I'm currently working to get my kids out the door without screaming at anyone or throwing shoes at them! It started with me, and once I shifted my routine they came right along with me.

Check it out and let me know what you thought!


Looking to create more time as a working mom?? My journey started here with my morning routine.

Join me for a LIVE workshop on Wednesday, December 19 at 12pm or 8:30pm (EST) where I'll be sharing with you what I did right....and what I did wrong to create more time as a working mom.

Register here: 

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