132 BPM

Just recently, I've set a couple of fairly lofty personal fitness goals. One of them has to do with the Kettlebell, and I'll talk about that in the next couple of posts. The other one is related to running.

Since I started back into running, I've begun thinking about what it would take for me to break a five minute mile. Well, we could start with the math - shaving three minutes off my current pace. But what about physically and emotionally. What an amazing journey this could turn out to be.

So, I'm giving my self a little over a year to attain this. My birthday is June 8th, and I'm setting a goal to break a five minute mile on my 47th birthday - 14 months from now.

There - it's out there. Published on the Web, so you KNOW it's true. :)

Anyone else care to join me?

Do you already run a sub-five minute mile? If so, what are some tips you can share?

It might not take a year to train for this, but I'll tell you one thing - if I apply myself to this goal, I'll make it happen sooner or later. It's how I roll.