There is one person that we often forget to put on our to do list: ourselves. Especially as women, we are not only culturally raised to be primary caregivers for all sorts of people, but internally we have our feminine instincts which tend to come from a place of giving and nurturing. 
We need to remember that it is important to love ourselves as much as we love other people, and as much as we expect other people to love us. And regardless of who loves us, nothing will ever be as important to your inner fulfillment as how much you love yourself, and allow yourself to make mistakes, to achieve your dreams, to live your life unapologetically. 
My guest today is a personal and professional development coach and a behavior scientist who helps people do well and feel well by taking in a whole person approach to wellness. You May have seen Dr. Dinorah Nieves on ABC's The Chew, Braxton Family Values, and other television shows. She’s here today to share how and why you need to love yourself without feeling any guilt.