We often think about marriage as a label to a relationship, when in fact, it’s more of a verb: it’s something you do, something you work at, every single day in the hopes of getting better and better at it. Because no matter how much you love your partner, you are both still independent, unique people with different needs going on at all times. Throw onto that children, bills, and careers, and you've got yourself a chaotic situation that would drive anyone crazy. 

In reality, it doesn’t have to be so hard. Through all the ups and downs of marriages, you’ll find that the thing that is going to make the biggest difference, what essentially will keep your marriage together, is going to be how kind you are to your partner. How much you can remember that they are human too, that they are just as tired, frustrated, stressed, as you are, and at the end of the day are simply looking for a warm hug, a kind word, a long embrace - something that tells them it’s going to be ok, you are in this together, and the reason you are in this together is because of love. 

Today’s episode rocks! My guest Jenna McCarthy shared so much extraordinary wisdom in this episode, and she delivers this wisdom with a refreshing dose of humor. Jenna McCarthy is a TED speaker, internationally-published writer, and the author of 16 books for adults and children. She is hilariously brilliant, and I’m sure you’re going to have a lot of fun listening to this episode.
