start - 3:50
Welcome and intro

3:50 - 5:20
Regulator conversations
Regulators are warming up

5:20 - 7:10
Will there be a Meridian conference this year? Yes!
Face to face meetings are meaningful

7:10 - 9:10
Thoughts around unofficial communities
Localized communities are very important
Stellar community is in a cool growth stage

9:10 - 12:10
Stellar Community Fund season 2
Value of the SCF

12:10 - 14:20
Any plans to recruit more developers?
Workshops, docs, tutorials, hackathons
More about hackathons

14:20 - 18:20
Building client services on Stellar
Fully featured demo Stellar wallet

18:20 - 19:50
Hackathons as a source for feedback on docs

19:50 - 22
Don't know much about DSTOQ
We don't have inside information, we know what you know
We're not gatekeepers to the network

22 -28:30
Current state of scalability
Horizon updates
Horizon explained

28:30 - 31
What's this "thing" for?
Highlights the difference between what the SDF does for Stellar and what companies build with Stellar

31 - 44:20 ⭐️
Best way to handle wallets?
Key storage and management
Albedo →
Only expose features necessary for your service
Put yourself in your user's shoes

44:20 - 52:40 ⭐️
What business value does Stellar truly provide?
That's up to the businesses building on Stellar
Stellar is a network not a product
The value is the network
Stellar is versatile
Stellar as a payments engine
Our stakeholders are the builders

52:40 - end
Closing, links and wrap up