0:00 - Dan's going to be running a fantasy football league, and is hoping you'll take part! Prove him right by heading to fantasy.premierleague.com, nabbing an account, and entering 1089139-244175 as the code to get involved!

5:00 - Kris has gotten himself into a pickle with a christening card. No, we didn't think it was possible either.

13:35 - Should The Mind have won the Spieles des Jahres for 2018? Maybe! Sam certainly makes a good case for it.

22:17 - Yorkshire puddings and toffee sauce, the concept of “post-modern snacking”, and why you need to think like a child to truly appreciate genius.

28:15 - Look, yes, sure, we talk about Civilization V AGAIN in this episode, but it's a good game! Unless you're a complete beginner, which is one of the subjects around that title that we try and tackle.

37:30 - Another subject is how games can encourage you to learn through failure, and why that can work if done well, like in Cities: Skylines. Sam and Peter have been hard at work managing their citizens needs and wants in a manner that's got them thinking about whether a game can ever truly escape being “political”.

45:33 - “What would you dive into a pool of?” That's the question posed to us by @Adamski_UK via Twitter, and the answers are... well... you'll hear soon enough. And if you've got a question for the chaps then please DM them to us on Twitter or Facebook, or mail them via [email protected]

That, plus the story of two prawn cocktails, with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), Peter (@XeroXeroXero), and Sam (@MrSamTurner).

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