01:06 - We've not talked about it before, but Sam absolutely LOVES vinegar. So much so that he gives his chips a "double soak", which is about as eye-wateringly acidic as you think.

05:24 - What we HAVE talked about before is seasonal playlists for music, and it being Summer, we think Loffee is the perfect accompaniment to this time of year.

10:23 - Kris went to Dortmund and had a lovely time of it, but he discovered two shocking things. 1) that he actually does like beer (when it's accompanied by fruit and / or vodka), and 2) that you can swap out the sausage from “pigs in blankets” for an entirely unexpected ingredient and it's pretty hecking tasty.

16:05 - XCOM 2 is "probably my favourite game" says Sam, and it's got to partly be due to the fact you can name your characters. And on that note...

17:58 - Dan's been playing FTL: Faster Than Light and Sam's been playing Into the Breach, both of which are from Subset Games and in both of which you can re-name your characters (so that's an immediate thumbs up, obviously). They both talk about why they're enjoying these games so much, delving into FTL's roguelike spaceship-em-up and Into the Breach's mech puzzle strategy.

35:36 - This section is all about Sam’s Leaking Pipe™.

41:00 - Dan's thrown more money at the upcoming Shenmue III, to snag himself a physical copy of the game. So it feels like a good time to discuss why the originals were so pioneering back in the day and, to some extent, how they were very demanding of their players.

52:09 - And we have another question to read out, this time courtesy of Richard from We're Not Wizards, and it's all about tattoos and cannibalism, so that's nice.

If YOU would like to send us a question about tattoos, cannibalism, or something else entirely, then DM us on Twitter or Facebook, or send us an e-mail via [email protected] if that floats your boat.

So catch up with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), and Sam (@MrSamTurner) in this episode and, if you've got this far in the description of this podcast then, hello friend, we would love for you to vote for us over on the PodcastAwards.com, full details of how to do so are right at the start of this episode.

Oh yeah, and a friendly reminder that we use Amazon Affiliate links in our show notes when it's appropriate, and if you want to know what that's all about just go here.

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