Chile, change is inevitable. In this episode we discuss why it’s important not to stress about noticing changes in your health as you age. If you are 30+, you need to pay attention to this episode. We will be discussing supplementing Geranylgeraniol (GG), how it becomes easier to lose muscle mass as the body starts to age, and why GG is important for this.

Dr. Barrie Tan gives us the low down of GG and why he is so passionate about it. He shares his secrets to feeling so young, and the habits & foods he wishes he had known 30 years ago to slow down the aging process earlier. So if you want to get this longevity party on the road, go ahead and press play .-Xo Raw Girl

Grab your beverage of choice and get ready to learn:

What to do if you feel a major health shift!What is a minimal viable ritual?What the body uses GG for.Why dark green leafy vegetables are the most optimum type of leafy green.Why strength resistance training stimulates dark muscles and prevents aging.What happens in the body when we start to age.The elements within Vitamin K2.The vitamins that help if you are postmenopausal.

If you want to be the first to be in on the Staying Ageless 2023 cohort, where you can learn the keys to living a long and fruitful life, click here to find out more.

To find out more about GG, download the official whitepaper or ask Barrie a message, visit American River Nutrition or Barrie's website.

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