Hey girl hey, this week we are diving into the amazing potential of spermidine and its role in promoting heart health. Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death globally? Well, spermidine might just hold the key to rewriting your heart destiny and beating heart disease.

In this episode, we'll explore the incredible benefits of spermidine for cardiovascular health. Leslie shares her expertise and insights into the world of supplements, particularly focusing on how they can support a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. Her passion for optimizing healthspan and her dedication to providing high-quality supplements made this conversation both informative and inspiring. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge from a leading expert in the field of supplements and discover how you can enhance your well-being with Oxford Healthspan.

 We'll also delve into the power of a plant-based diet in supporting heart health. Plant-based foods rich in spermidine, such as soybeans, wheat germ, and mushrooms, offer not only the potential anti-aging benefits we discussed earlier but also play a vital role in maintaining a healthy heart. We'll explore the benefits of incorporating more plant-based options into your diet and how they can help you reclaim the joy of eating while promoting heart wellness.

So, if you're ready to take charge of your heart health and beat heart disease, tune in to this episode. Get ready to discover the remarkable potential of spermidine and learn practical tips on embracing a heart-healthy, plant-based lifestyle. Let's rewrite our heart's destiny and live life to the fullest!  

-Xo Raw Girl

Listen to the full episode here

Chile, if after listening to this episode you want to prioritize your health and wellness today to stay looking fly until your 99, sign up for a free 20 minute meet and greet to talk to me here.

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