Chile, this week we are talking about slave food and how racism affects longevity. Tune in to this episode to discover the types of stressors we commonly face, what happens to the body in a stressed state, and the results of chronic stress. 

In this show I will go into racism and health, how the two intertwine and affect African Americans in particular, and the toll of stress. Later, I will speak to Dr. Columbus Batiste, a cardiologist also known as the Heart Healthy Doc., to gain more insight.  -Xo Raw Girl

Call up your friends, get comfy, and learn:

What the DIE acronym stands for       What happens in the body and in the brain when you are in a stressed state    The history of slave food and the relationship with soul foodHow nutritional stress leads to the birth of disease What redlining was and its effects How telomeres affect your longevity 

Check out Dr. Columbus Bastiste’s websites:

Find Dr. Columbus Bastiste on Instagram: @hearthealthydoc and @slavefoodproject_ 

On Facebook: Healthy Heart Doc and Slave Food  and on YouTube: Slave Food Project

Watch the Slave Food lecture



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